i see different directions of enhancements for the future, assuming there is one,
surgery such as what this thread is about,
genetic enhancements, for different reasons, military perfect soldiers built to their pacific task, for looks,beuty, even to look like an animal , genetic changes to be able to survive on other planets to withstand different atmospheres and gravity,
then theres another kind, micro chips in our bodies and brains and robotic parts, its not sci fi anymore,
we have 2 thirds i think it is of our brain we do not use, what is it for? i think we will never know because of the direction we have taken, i believe the brain is supposed to evolve , but we ignore it and choose our destiny to be man made,
our brains are getting lazy and i think we have stunted natural evolving, it is said if you took a neanderthal, ( actualy i think i mean early modern man ) child from the past to present time there would be no difference,
we even teach our children to have lazy brains, they are taught to use calculaters rather than maths,
grey matter is just the same as any other part of our body, if it isnt used it will waste away