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Thread: Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness

  1. #1
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    Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness

    A good write up by Simon Heffer on how Labour cynically allowed mass uncontrolled immigration to gain future voters

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Unbiased then coming from the Daily Snail?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Unbiased then coming from the Daily Snail?
    about as unbiased as dedworths reporting

  4. #4
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    What's wrong with telling it how it is ? 20 years ago we weren't overrun with Eastern European/Iraqi/Afghan murderers, metal thieves, pimps, - Labour rolled out the red carpet to these scum whether they entered the country legally or not

    Here's yesterdays update from the Warsaw Pact Crime Desk :-

    A woman has described how a Polish farm worker tried to rip out her heart 'like one of his pigs' after he stabbed her in the chest.

    Christine Seymour recounted the horrifying moment she felt Andrzej Chranowski push his hands inside her knife wound in an apparent attempt to tear out her vital organ.

    Chranowski, 34, claimed to be suffering from a 'short-term psychotic episode' when he pounced on Miss Seymour with a pair of surgical scissors.

    After stabbing her, he then carried the 59-year-old into her rented property and dumped her on her bed shouting: 'Just lie there and die.'

    Miraculously, Miss Seymour survived the brutal attack after life-saving surgery.

    Polish pig worker Chranowski was this week jailed for 18 years for her attempted murder.

    Chranowski lived in the same rented three-storey house as Miss Seymour, in Spalding, Lincolnshire. Two others also lived there.

    Read more:

    Isn't multiculturalism great ?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your right thou we dont need other countires , we've got enough of our own

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    [COLOR="Blue"]What's wrong with telling it how it is ? 20 years ago we weren't overrun with Eastern European/Iraqi/Afghan murderers, metal thieves, pimps, - Labour rolled out the red carpet to these scum whether they entered the country legally or not
    and even how much better uk was before the iron lady ,jobs take your pick, prosperous happy times

  7. #7
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Ian Huntley wasn't polish Myra Hindley wasn't an afghan Levi Bellfield isn't an Iraqi. I live in one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world and I love it. I happen to believe if immigrants break our laws they should be punished if necessary imprisoned and on release sent home. However I cant subscribe to The Daily Mail view of the world that every other immigrant is a murderer. Britain Europe and The World are in hard times at the moment and it's convenient for the Daily Mail to to blame the Labour Party and immigrants for our woes. It detracts from their friends in the city who pick up Multi Million pound bonuses despite their companies still making losses. How sick is that.

  8. #8
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    all goverments are just as bad as each other, maggie altered the constituant boundrys to ensure more seats in gov, after so many years of maggie making changes how on earth could any new gov change anything much of what she had done, by time labour got in they didnt have enough seats to pass anything much without opposition, and by the time labour got in, how could it be called a labour party anymore its ideals had changed to be not much different to any other party,

    days gone past when labour was labour and meant labour for the working man, if you were born working class you and your whole family were labour ,it lost meaning after harold wilsons days,
    since then there has never been a real labour party,
    same for all partys, they will suite themselves in order to get votes, not what we the people realy want, certainly not their lies and deceit , because that is all they have to offer now,
    id love to see something completely different and real

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