Originally Posted by
Doc Alan
. Not really, Ded, alcohol is expensive in bars. Have a look at my thread in the Health section. This is what I have said :- " An increase in consumption by young people – “ pre-loaded “ by drinking alcohol from the supermarket at home before going out to carry on binge–drinking - is one aspect of the problem.
The other is middle class adults drinking at home, 2/5 drinking above recommended limits at least once a week. A similar number of men and women have an alcohol problem. Every week pubs are closing, booze is bought by the middle classes for consumption at home, and they’re in denial about the risks. Hazardous consumption ( more than 8 units on one occasion ) is one of them."
No one denies there can be a problem with drunken behaviour in bars, but they are a controlled environment, not the prime reason for Britain's booze culture with its health and social consequences.