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Thread: Mixed Race Babies

  1. #1
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    Mixed Race Babies

    I don't know if this one has been covered before. But I am guessing that there is some knowledge and experience out there in the forum on the topic.

    Obviously the babies health and wellbeing are paramount, but nonetheless my wife likes to think that our offspring will have blue eyes, a european nose and will be tall . But I guess it is very much a lottery as to exactly which features any one of our potential children might be blessed with.

    Take the blue eyes. I have them but the gene is recessive so that the chances are any babies we might have will have her eyes i.e. brown.

    Any knowledge or experiences on this one?

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    My son is now just over 3 months old. I am white British and my wife Filipino. Our son is as white as me, lots of reddy-brown hair with very dark blue/green eyes. I think it is a lottery as to how strong your family genes are. My wife loves his white skin, but I was thinking he would carry a more asian look.
    But he is beautiful to us, he is healthy and strong and is perfect.... that is what really matters.

    Here he is (newest photos)

    With our freind's grandson (100% Filipino)

    With Mum
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  3. #3
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    But he is beautiful to us, he is healthy and strong and is perfect.... that is what really matters.
    At the end of the day I wholeheartedly agree with that. And yet along the way I have noticed an almost magnet attraction amongst some filipinas to the idea of their sons / daughters having western features.

    By the way I have noticed that my wife's skin has lightened considerably since she arrived in the UK 4 months ago. She never touches the "whitening" cream at all now.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    my ex wife was very pale and blond, this was very strong traite within her family, sisters brothers ect,

    one of her sisters married an indian , very black, 2 of their children were dark hair dark skin, while the boy my nephew was born very pale and very blond blue eyes, it caused a bit of argument at the time as he was in dis belief as to the bay being his, anyway proven the child was his, doctors said his skin pigment may change as he gets older, he is in his 30s now and still very blond and pale,

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    cute kid Steve, well done you proud dad

  6. #6
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    cute kid Steve, well done you proud dad
    Thanks so much.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  7. #7
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    Really great photo's steve, thanks for sharing and keep them coming

    It's just amazing how quickly they grow and change

  8. #8
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    Doing a bit of googling I disovered this......

    Mixed-Race People Perceived as 'More Attractive,' UK Study Finds
    ScienceDaily (Apr. 14, 2010) — In the largest study of its kind Dr Michael Lewis of Cardiff University's School of Psychology, collected a random sample of 1205 black, white, and mixed-race faces.

    Each face was then rated for their perceived attractiveness to others -- with mixed-race faces, on average, being perceived as being more attractive.

    Dr Lewis, who will present his findings to the British Psychological Society's annual meeting (April 14) said: "Previous, small scale, studies have suggested that people of mixed race are perceived as being more attractive than non-mixed-race people. This study was an attempt to put this to the wider test.

    "A random sample of black, white, and mixed-race faces was collected and rated for their perceived attractiveness. There was a small but highly significant effect, with mixed-race faces, on average, being perceived as more attractive."

    The study could also have wider implications than just attractiveness.

    First established by Darwin in 1876, heterosis (or hybrid vigour) is a biological phenomenon that predicts that cross-breeding leads to offspring that are genetically fitter than their parents.

    As heterosis is considered to be a universal biological effect, it is possible that humans are also subject to its influence and helps explain why mixed-race people appear more attractive.

    Dr Lewis added: "The results appear to confirm that people whose genetic backgrounds are more diverse are, on average, perceived as more attractive than those whose backgrounds are less diverse. This can be taken as evidence for heterosis among human population groups.

    "There is evidence, albeit anecdotal, that the impact of heterosis goes beyond just attractiveness. This comes from the observation that, although mixed-race people make up a small proportion of the population, they are over-represented at the top level of a number of meritocratic professions like acting with Halle Berry, Formula 1 racing with Lewis Hamilton; and, of course, politics with Barack Obama." Extracted from:

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    Oops. I just realised that I sourced that material from a David Icke connection. Thats the internet for you....

  10. #10
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    Any Geneticists out there?

  11. #11
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Any Geneticists out there?
    I have already asked Doc Alan for some help on this, but it is not an easy one to answer. There are some posts on the internet about eye colour with mixed Brit/Phil babies. Try a google search for that and it will lead to other areas.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I have already asked Doc Alan for some help on this, but it is not an easy one to answer. There are some posts on the internet about eye colour with mixed Brit/Phil babies. Try a google search for that and it will lead to other areas.
    Yes. Thanks Steve. I have noticed that there is a lot of material out there on the internet, much of it purely anecdotal. I find the whole topic quite fascinating, now that I am married to a filipina. I imagine Doc Alan's the man to come up with something with a medical / genetic slant to it.

    If you are about, Doc Alan, appreciate it if, when you get a chance, you are able to dig some stuff out on this.

    BTW My hope is that any boys (that we might be fortunate enough to have) don't aquire my wife's genetic profile in terms of height, at 4ft 11"

  13. #13
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Steve - lovely pic there - I cant wait for my child to be born - very excited!

    Rina often talks about what our baby will be like - at this stage health and happiness is paramount!

    Time is flying though - 20 week scan coming in a couple of weeks!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post

    Rina often talks about what our baby will be like ...
    My wife is the same. And her family ditto.....

  15. #15
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Awwww I really adore your cutie son steve, thanks for sharing the pics

    Is your wifey preggy now lastlid?

    I hope I will be fortunate enough to get preg this year too, but I'm a little worried with my hubby's condition since he is older than me and he have had heart problems before. He is 40+ and I am 20+.

    I was joking to my husband about having kids and sending them back to phils to become celebrity cos we're sure they will be beautiful most celebrities in the phils are mixed race.

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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post

    I was joking to my husband about having kids and sending them back to phils to become celebrity cos we're sure they will be beautiful most celebrities in the phils are mixed race.
    Ha. I think that you think like my wife does.

    To answer your question, we are giving it a go. Sorry to hear about your hubby's heart condition btw...

    Interesting that you say that most celebrities in Phils are mixed race.

    I also find it fascinating that many europeans want shorter noses and many filipinas want longer noses. I have a longer snout and my wife has a typical pinay nose, so maybe any kids that we might have will have the happy medium....

  17. #17
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Well yeah some famous Filipino celebrities like Anne Curtis, Marian Rivera, Sam Milby and many more are mixed race. Their face is perfect and you would be amazed if you look at their mum's you'd think they are their nanny/yaya (just some of them) (no offence intended just telling the truth).

    Also many of us Filipina get the impression of european guys with longer nose, white skin and tall are handsome. I always tell my husband he is so handsome but he always say i'm joking .

    Btw, goodluck with you and the wife lastlid, GOD always give the blessings when you least expect it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

    If you are about, Doc Alan, appreciate it if, when you get a chance, you are able to dig some stuff out on this.
    I've just " done " cosmetic labial surgery, then more alcohol updates .
    Been thinking about this topic since Steve.r first asked me, so I will respond

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    Also many of us Filipina get the impression of european guys with longer nose, white skin and tall are handsome. I always tell my husband he is so handsome but he always say i'm joking .
    That just goes to prove that it is all down to how we perceive ourselves. I noticed that many beautiful pinays don't see themselves as such and look at their western counterparts with envy.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    I've just " done " cosmetic labial surgery, then more alcohol updates .
    Been thinking about this topic since Steve.r first asked me, so I will respond
    Yes, such a wide variety of topics within a limited area....

    Okay. Thanks. I appreciate that you will have stuff to do and that. When you get a chance......thanks.

    There's a topic on at the moment on selective abortions and one on the topic of labial surgery and this one too and they are all linked in the world of psychology....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    Their face is perfect and you would be amazed if you look at their mum's you'd think they are their nanny/yaya (just some of them) (no offence intended just telling the truth).
    Also many of us Filipina get the impression of european guys with longer nose, white skin and tall are handsome
    I understand this point that you are making and I put it down to perceived signs of affluence.....what's your take on that?

  22. #22
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post

    Also many of us Filipina get the impression of european guys with longer nose, white skin and tall are handsome.
    im tall and got a long nose, white skin, hey i must be more handsome than i thought

  23. #23
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    That just goes to prove that it is all down to how we perceive ourselves. I noticed that many beautiful pinays don't see themselves as such and look at their western counterparts with envy.
    Yes my husband said i'm beautiful, i would tell him he's a lier but then when I tell him his handsome he would say i'm joking

    We don't know who's telling the truth

  24. #24
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    im tall and got a long nose, white skin, hey i must be more handsome than i thought
    yes ofcourse I find it best when a white guy is handsome not only outside but inside too.

  25. #25
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    yes ofcourse I find it best when a white guy is handsome not only outside but inside too.
    well its the inside that matters more than the outside

  26. #26
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    I wish everyone well who already has, or is expecting, children by a Filipino-UK partnership .
    We’ve come a long way since Darwin’s “ theory “ of evolution ( 1859 ), and Mendel’s experiments growing pea plants ( 1865 ). The entire human genome has been mapped in the past few years ( ). Our genetic makeup or genotype interacts with the environment to produce our phenotype - how we look, as well as what diseases we may acquire, and there’s an important specialty of clinical genetics.
    Every cell has 22 pairs of chromosomes and two sex chromosomes ( XX in female and XY in male ). During the type of cell division known as meiosis, a mixture of both the individual’s parental chromosomes occurs.
    If fertilization is successful, a sperm(atozoon) unites with an egg, and genetic material from the parents thus forms the unique child’s genome.
    It’s complicated ! While a few traits are due to only one gene (and its alleles, or variants), most are the product of interactions between several genes. When more than one gene influences a trait, the inheritance pattern is not easily predictable. The predictable patterns referred to as dominant and recessive apply only to single gene traits. Most features are not just due to one gene, whether it’s eye colour ( ), skin colour, height, or indeed how long an individual can expect to live ( ). The same applies to diseases – which are probably all due to genetic and environmental influences. It is possible to sequence the entire genome of an individual, from a blood sample, at a price. The cost of this has steadily come down, no more than about £ 500 now – but most people wouldn’t want to do this.
    Genetic tests are more likely indicated for several clinical reasons. These include carrier screening ( for breast cancer genes ), diagnosis in an individual with symptoms, testing for risk of various other cancers, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ( embryos ), newborn screening, and forensic / identity testing. Over 1000 genetic tests are now available. Research is still ongoing - for example the Cancer Genome Project to identify genes involved in human cancer development.
    Unless there is a good clinical reason for genetic screening, it’s best to accept that offspring of Filipino-UK parents are almost always attractive – common knowledge, rather than strictly explained by genetics !

  27. #27
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    Thanks Doc.

    Having read the burping baby link there is obviously more to it than meets the eye ( pun not initially intended ) quite difficult to get ones head around. But I get the general gist. Cheers.

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what went wrong with ours

    Keith - Administrator

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  30. #30
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'm not sure what went wrong with ours

    aaawwwww just like his dad

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