Hi all. i am currently considering making my application to bring over my wife and children to uk on a spouse visa. It wont be before april so hope things dont change too much my salary before tax is in £20,000 a year ball park so i am hoping if the ukba raise the the salary threshold i will be safe, lets see!.

My issues. I have been supporting my wife and children now for 6 years rent, clothes, food etc which comes to over £300 a month. Sometimes more at xmas and birthdays. Will the ukba take this into account when i make my application? obviously i wont have to fork all this out when they are here. After i pay my rent, debts, etc i find myself using my overdraft so i am in minus funds.

I have inheritance from my father £3000 that my mother has held for me and i am going to transfer that money into my account next month so my bank will be then healthy.

l have support from my local mp who says that even if i am in overdraft and can show that i have supported my family on a regular basis i can make the application now before april but i dont want to be hasty the mp says i have a human right to be with my family. There is no way to check this as the ukba site do not discuss it? Please advise

The visa fees now are £810 x 3 will i get a reduction for under 6 years?

Last. Do i fill in a vaf 4a form x 3 has its not really relevent for children the questions are based on adult information, it does not advise about this, just says seperate application.

If anyone has been in my situation i would appreciate any advice.
