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Thread: Visitor Visa or Fiancee Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Visitor Visa or Fiancee Visa

    Evening all...

    I contacted the Home Office today to confirm on some details as I wanted to:

    Have Marilyn arrive on a Fiancee Visa in June, leave in October and then get married in the Philippines. After getting married and then I would apply for a Spousal Visa and bring her over to the UK

    They advised me to get Marilyn over here on a Visitor's visa which i know is more risky...

    Would you go down the Visitor's visa route? The reason why I am asking is that I want her to see my home to make sure she can settle here...

    If you agree with the home office then is it wise to get an agent to do it for me as i know i can be difficult to get a visitors visa..

    Thanks in advance..

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Visitor visa is very risky..the important matter is that you can show all evidence that she will return to the Philippines..although it's not a guarantee that having lots of savings, land ownership, work, etc. would get her a they always say, it's a lottery..but some members here got a visit visa..I just can't remember their names..

    I do not advice you to use an agent coz it'll only add up to the expenses and all they would do is just gather documents from you..requirements are very straight forward..I know someone (a member of the forum too) who first used an agent to process her visit visa and yet she didn't get any because the agent did not know the requirements herself and didn't bother to recheck everything, and it cost them a lot! She tried reapplying a visit visa all on her own and she got the visit visa..Now she's in the UK on a fiancee visa, about to be married..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    We went down the route of using an agent for my Wifes Fiance Visa and it was pricey but the agent was very good and kept us on our toes with regards to gathering docs for the visa.
    Once the visa app went in it took about 3-4 weeks and it was granted.
    Going the visit as Rayna said its tough and you have to show concrete evidence your artner will return, perhaps in addition to showing a job, property or rental agreement, family comitments - if you were to make some wedding arrangements - shw these peices of evidence it may help?

    A covering letter explaining what you are trying to achieve would no doubt help too, as ever the UKBA are getting stricter and reducing the immigration levels so they may not grant the visit visa but if you got that concrete evidence for #76 GBP you could give it a go - but do it yourself, plenty of people here can help and a few have successfully managed it!

    Either way good luck!

  4. #4
    Respected Member aronbabev's Avatar
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    I applied a family visit visa and I was granted last Dec.20,2011 and what Rayna said it is a lottery
    I just submitted :
    1. 5 Copies of pictures Wedding day and 2 pics playing on the ground
    2.My husband passport Copy
    3.Bank Certificate Savings Acct.(300 pounds )
    Payslip of my husband
    4.No bank Statement and No Accommodation ( since my husband is living in his Mum) employment certificate.
    For me:
    1.Passport /old and new
    2.Tax in my own
    3.DTI .( business internet shop)
    4.passbook/bank acct.statement
    5.western union from my husband 5 pcs.only since my sister is sending remittance and just resigned from work
    That's all that I have been submitted but I have a phone interview from my papers just asking some questions about me, then after 2 weeks I called them and they returned call saying that delayed cause of deferred enquiries, email them and after a week have an answer that enquiries had a result and next day a phone call from Eco officer asking why i applied visit visa and not a spouse visa,and said that am wasting my money,and what is the specs of my computer on that day I received my Visa an email saying my visa will be despatched shortly. I can say that I am really blessed since I have read in this forum that applicants submitted more evidence for their visa,I can say that prayer is very powerful. and I do believe that If there is a will there is always a way.and God gave the heart desire of those who diligently seek Him.

  5. #5
    Respected Member aronbabev's Avatar
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    I can add Invitation letter from My husband and My mother inlaw. and the Savings is 3000 pounds.sorry typo..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Evening all...

    I contacted the Home Office today to confirm on some details as I wanted to:

    Have Marilyn arrive on a Fiancee Visa in June, leave in October and then get married in the Philippines. After getting married and then I would apply for a Spousal Visa and bring her over to the UK

    They advised me to get Marilyn over here on a Visitor's visa which i know is more risky...

    Would you go down the Visitor's visa route? The reason why I am asking is that I want her to see my home to make sure she can settle here...

    If you agree with the home office then is it wise to get an agent to do it for me as i know i can be difficult to get a visitors visa..

    Thanks in advance..
    For some people there are benefits in having their mahal visit UK prior to getting married. Likewise there are benefits in getting married in the Philippines

    The general visit visa is considered to be more difficult to secure simply on the basis that the ECO needs to be convinced that on balance the reasons for the applicant to return home before visa expiry, outweight those for overstaying the visa conditions.
    The applicant needs to submit clear evidence of strong social and economic ties to their home country.
    Any visa refusal is also not open to appeal, so the ECO has total discretion based upon the evidence submitted.

    Having said that, the risks involved are extremely low in terms of cost and any others factors. Being refused does not prevent a second application, and at least give you a clearer understanding of what the ECO saw as a weakness in the application.

    My advice would be to get the application in asap. Prepare a well prepared and logical supporting sponsor letter and see what happens.

    I doubt very much that an agent can do anything you cannot do between yourselves for something like general visitor visa. But, it's always a personal decision, especially if you feel unable to prioritise sufficient time to put it all carefully together.
    Bear in mind that an agent or advisor will not prepare it all for you. It's still down to you to provide ALL the required evidence, and they will certainly chase your for that.

    If there are insufficient ties to home country and reasons to return home, then the agent cannot help you.

    In my opinion an advisor/agent has a much better chance to help with such things as settlement cases, simply because the requiremets are much more strictly prescribed and can be achieved in more of a checklist fashion, than the comparative vagaries of the visit visa.

    The important thing to make a move on that visit visa, with such low risks what's holding you back?

  7. #7
    Member Stephen550's Avatar
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    Hi, My gf applied for a general visa, it was granted in 7 days for a six month stay,, she has no land, property or savings and she does not work,,, I am retired and to young to receive pension payments, all of which I thought would go against our application, the only mention I made with reference to my gf returning at the end of her stay was, I said I would ensure she returned to the phils on time, I think the main concern is that you have sufficent funds to cover her stay, I sent a detailed application, the folder I sent to my gf contained about 50 pages, with the information she added I think we submitted about 60 pages,,, it is not to difficult it took me about a week to compile,,,, IT IS POSSIBLE. My gf is on the forum, Ann1984, she posted a copy of our contents list that detailed all the information in our application.
    Best of Luck.


  8. #8
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    Hi Can anyone recommend an agent who will help with application for visa, ive read posts but a recommendation of an efficient service would be good thanks timi

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by timi View Post
    Hi Can anyone recommend an agent who will help with application for visa, ive read posts but a recommendation of an efficient service would be good thanks timi
    Most people will prepare and submit their own applications, but hopefully any member who has used an agent will provide some details.

    Do remember that the agent will still be asking both you (as sponsor) and your gf (as applicant) for all evidence of financials, accommodations and importantly strong and compelling reasons to return home to Philippines.
    As sponsor you will still be advised to submit a good supporting letter.

    I agree that if you just don't have time to devote to application preparation etc than an agent can help by clearly outlining exactly what the sponsor and applicant need supply.

    Sorry I have no details of a good visa agent in Philippines. Just be sure that the person your take on is experienced with UK VISIT visa's and how to apply to UK immigration law.
    Have you considered getting help from a UK advisor?

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timi View Post
    Hi Can anyone recommend an agent who will help with application for visa, ive read posts but a recommendation of an efficient service would be good thanks timi
    ... please see my reply on your introductory thread.

  11. #11
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the feedback - I am going to get DHL to pick up the docs tomorrow and send them over to the Philippines for a tourist visa...

    I have over 100 pages of supporting documents, over 1,000 phone calls, over 30 photo's of us and flight tickets with both of us from 2008 to 2012....

    I am confident but, I have a feeling i may be just a little overconfident...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by chino View Post
    Thanks for all the feedback - I am going to get DHL to pick up the docs tomorrow and send them over to the Philippines for a tourist visa...

    I have over 100 pages of supporting documents, over 1,000 phone calls, over 30 photo's of us and flight tickets with both of us from 2008 to 2012....

    I am confident but, I have a feeling i may be just a little overconfident...
    Sounds like a rather large packet for a tourist visa
    As you know already, the key issue is reasons to return need to outweigh reasons to overstay.

    Good luck

  13. #13
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    By the way chino you may be interested to read about a newly launched Priority visa service here.

    The full details and costs are on the Additional services in the Philippines webpage.

    May be worth it to have a much quicker decision.

  14. #14
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    Thanks i think i will go for the Priority visa service -DHL just picked up the forms today... all 800g!

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