Whichever way you look at it European banking and finance is in big trouble.

When the Greece dafault finally comes, the ripples will suddenly become freak tsunami's, with effects far greater and wide reaching than we can probably image.
Just about every government, every finance minister and every bank,business and financial institution are lying about their risk exposure with Greece.

Don't forget that the EU is still the single largest economy at $16.28 trillion. In addition to being the biggest trading partner with China, it is also accounts for
21% of US exports and $121 billion in exports for South America

The remainingr PIIGS (Portugal,Italy, Ireland and Spain) will start thinking if they too want to continue austerity increasing expensive debt or if they prefer
to also default.

Quite simply, too many countries have racked up too much debt and just don't have the means to pay for it. End of story.

Rant over. No offence.