Quote Originally Posted by Ann1984 View Post
Trust is a Key to a every relationship, and the following are some of the reasons why trust so important.

1.Because without trust you would not be able to have confidence to share your feelings, emotions, and self with someone else. Trust means to believe. When you extend your trust to someone, it means that you have no doubt in your mind about the honesty, integrity and credibility of the other person.
2.The second reason trust is so important is that no relationship can survive without trust. As soon as the trust breaks, the relationship breaks. This can be seen time and again. Cheating is a break in trust, lying is a break in trust, any break in trust creates problems and eventual dissolution of the relationship, especially if that trust is not restored.
3.The third reason is that trust is the foundation on which a relationship is built. If you don't trust a person, how can you love them? Without trust no one would extend their heart in love, after all, what if someone took advantage of you?
4.Trust initially is how a relationships starts, and it is through the development of trust that relationships grow.
Ann, thats got to be 3 star english pass with honours