Originally posted by ginapeterb@Aug 9 2005, 10:16 PM
These children were conceived recklessly....
These children were concieved at the behest of the catholic church, who basically deny the Filipino the right to use contraception:
The church has made it a moral obligation to spit children out on a regular basis.
It has created a society where having few or no children is a social stigma.
It's created a society where a mans 'machoness' is measured by the quantity off offspring he generates.
It was the only country (The vatican) at the world population control meeting in Egypt a few years ago who refused to encourage birth control.
Its believers, cohorts, powermongers, whatever you want to call them, spawned a tv documentary called "The Myth Of Overpopulation" a few years ago on tv in the Philippines, basically saying that there was no need for population control, that 'god will look after his children'.

All this in a country thats population has boomed by 1000% in the last 75 years, from 7 million to over 75 million :o

All this in a country that has virtually the worlds highest mortailty rate for children aged 4 and under.

I think the police and authorites are just making a lousy mess of mopping up the remains of a problem that is intrinsically caused by the very faith that is supposed to be looking after the peoples of the Philippines :unsure:

The problem needs to be solved by starting at the root cause: Why are there so many unwanted and homeless children?