Originally posted by admin@Sep 8 2005, 09:15 AM
Do I sense a slight anti-religous feeling there Paul?
Just a touch

Without getting into rant mode, I really think the whole religious 'program' was invented purely to control the ignorant masses around the world. And jesus, it sure did work.

I mean, what better a control system than promising rewards that can never be seen until it's too late, and punishment that you are PROMISED you will recieve if you even THINK about not believing.

It's a win/win situation: Don't believe, and you get tortured to death. Believe, and you'll work your skinny ass off until the day you die. And I've yet to meet anybody who came back from the dead to tell me "it's true, it's true, I died and went to heaven, and lived in glory and happiness, and I DID inherit the earth"

When I first started hanging around with my wife-to-be, we used to take Jeepney rides around the town, and every time we passed a church she would cross herself and say prayers for a safe journey. I used to laugh at her and say "It's THAT clown (pointing at the retard driving) there who you should be talking to, as he is the idiot running red lights and overtaking on blind bends". Such simple people, so brainwashed, so ignorant of the basics in life.