Btw, this is the wording of the refusal that my g/f received:
The Decision - You have applied for a visa to visit your boyfriend (your sponsor) in the UK for a period of three months. You state that you are a student. You have provided a high school identity card as evidence of your education. You state that you receive financial support from your boyfriend in the UK. You state that you will stay with your boyfriend in the UK for the duration of your trip. I note from his letter of sponsorship that your boyfriend states that you both met in July 2011 at Puerto Galera while he was on holiday in the Philippines. I note that that he wished you to visit him in the UK to 'explore further our relationship'. However, I note that you have provided remittances as evidence of his financial support from January 2011 to you that predate this meeting. I note that your sponsor claims two further visits in September 2011 and January 2012. You are now proposing to spend three months or longer in the UK with a person who is more than twice your age and who began a relationship with and remitted fund to you when you were a minor; and who you have met just three times. I note that your parents have provided an affidavit of their support for your visit, but I do not find your reasons for this visit credible. I note hat you have provided two bank certificates for balances of accounts held by you together with your birth certificate, baptismal certificate, police and barangay clearance certificates as evidence of your circumstances. You have provided no evidence of your parents' circumstances and would appear to be reliant upon your sponsor for your financial needs in the Philippines. Given your circumstances, I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the period as stated by you. I am not satisfied that you would not seek to remain in the UK in another capacity if now admitted as a visitor. I am therefore not satisfied that you meet the requirement of Paragraph 41 (i) and (ii) of the UK Immigration Rules HC395 (as amended).
Btw, the date January 2011 stated for the remittances is wrong as the earliest remittance was in May 2011. So, I am pretty sure that this was a mistake or typo.