On March 8, my wife will have been living in the UK for 3 years ... thus completing two thirds of her immigration journey. You'd think, therefore, I would know all there is to know about the process. And - as one might expect - when she first arrived, I felt confident in advising others what steps needed to be taken in order to fulfill their aspirations to stand alongside their English/Welsh/Scots or Northern Irish partners as fully~fledged British Citizens.

But, since the present Government came to office, I have found it increasingly frustrating to keep abreast of the myriad of new rules that have been implemented - particulary those involving the introduction, in November 2010, of the (in my view) unfair and completely unnecessary Language Tests applicable to Philippines' migrants ... for whom English is the medium of instruction.

So ... hopefully, members will bear with me as I try my level best to keep up with these, seemingly endless, changes.