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Thread: Is it proper or not?

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aprilmaejon Is it proper or not? 4th March 2012, 23:51
grahamw48 For me trust is everything in... 4th March 2012, 23:57
Rosie1958 April ....... I am a British... 5th March 2012, 00:03
tone Occasionally my mahal wants... 5th March 2012, 00:12
Steve.r If you have nothing to hide,... 5th March 2012, 00:26
Dedworth Facebook and other so called... 5th March 2012, 01:20
fred no. its not proper unless... 5th March 2012, 01:58
hawk i have my fiancee password... 5th March 2012, 02:18
BoholoX At our pre-marriage seminar... 5th March 2012, 04:10
aprilmaejon "other half" mean to me that... 5th March 2012, 07:23
juvyjones28 I know how you feel. Try to... 5th March 2012, 07:48
aprilmaejon :-( 5th March 2012, 08:11
Dedworth I'd say it's not a nice... 5th March 2012, 15:41
lastlid Yes, when my wife uses it, it... 5th March 2012, 15:45
juvyjones28 :icon_sorry::cwm3: 5th March 2012, 16:14
aprilmaejon I am confuse....I want our... 5th March 2012, 07:19
juvyjones28 When I was in UK, I go check... 5th March 2012, 07:20
aprilmaejon Thanks to all of your views... 5th March 2012, 08:11
malditako as in our case..we both have... 5th March 2012, 08:34
lastlid When we got married, the... 5th March 2012, 08:45
fred Which means you dont trust... 5th March 2012, 15:18
lastlid I'll pass that message on to... 5th March 2012, 15:45
fred I passed it on to mine 9 ... 5th March 2012, 17:21
aprilmaejon Lastlid, I would really agree... 5th March 2012, 09:12
lastlid Except for christmas and... 5th March 2012, 13:32
scottishbride Trust plays important part of... 5th March 2012, 10:32
Steve.r The easiest way to make him... 5th March 2012, 11:41
Moy you are just a human..we have... 5th March 2012, 11:37
Moy we can only be a human in... 5th March 2012, 11:44
aprilmaejon Sigh.... Anyway, thank you... 5th March 2012, 12:21
aim_angel TRUST is the foundation of... 5th March 2012, 13:43
aprilmaejon Yes I trust him...but now... 5th March 2012, 15:12
Whoosh No way would I let my... 5th March 2012, 15:28
Terpe To a cetain degree every... 5th March 2012, 15:53
Steve.r paRANOiD bEhaVIOR... 5th March 2012, 16:03
tone I think the point Steve made... 5th March 2012, 17:41
lastlid Tone has a valid point too. A... 5th March 2012, 17:50
aprilmaejon Okay 5th March 2012, 17:47
fred Now we are on the same... 5th March 2012, 17:58
lastlid Joking aside, I do sympathise... 5th March 2012, 19:52
aprilmaejon How can I not be upset if for... 5th March 2012, 17:58
fred Thats why I lock my accounts... 5th March 2012, 18:08
aim_angel maybe he didn't mean to... 5th March 2012, 18:23
aprilmaejon Okay fred...that is in your... 5th March 2012, 18:11
grahamw48 6128 5th March 2012, 18:27
Eyes O\'Donnell :):xxgrinning--00xx3:;) 6th March 2012, 00:33
fred Look aprilmaejon ..You either... 5th March 2012, 18:27
grahamw48 CHANGING what was previously... 5th March 2012, 18:29
Steve.r Maybe he is seeing someone... 5th March 2012, 19:55
grahamw48 I think this thread... 5th March 2012, 20:17
lastlid Agreed, as we don't know the... 5th March 2012, 20:21
Steve.r I am very tongue in cheek, I... 5th March 2012, 20:26
grahamw48 I discovered my ex was... 5th March 2012, 20:32
Terpe Graham, did you already have... 5th March 2012, 21:12
stevewool whats mine is ems, i have... 5th March 2012, 21:02
Moy Women get the last word in... 5th March 2012, 21:17
stevewool yes dear:) 5th March 2012, 21:20
Moy yep pops:omg::icon_lol::Rasp: 5th March 2012, 22:00
grahamw48 I wasn't specifically looking... 5th March 2012, 21:19
Moy good thing you dump her first... 5th March 2012, 21:19
aprilmaejon Ssshhhhh...thank you for all... 6th March 2012, 09:17
lastlid :xxgrinning--00xx3: 6th March 2012, 09:37
grahamw48 I think writing it down was a... 6th March 2012, 10:12
Terpe Yep, that strategy can work... 6th March 2012, 10:33
aprilmaejon Thank you Graham and Terpe...... 6th March 2012, 10:54
lastlid :icon_lol: My ex wife used to... 6th March 2012, 10:56
grahamw48 Sometimes it's better to... 6th March 2012, 11:04
sars_notd_virus happy ending!! its not... 6th March 2012, 11:08
lastlid That was the other thing that... 6th March 2012, 11:10
sars_notd_virus :icon_lol::icon_lol:thats a... 6th March 2012, 11:28
sars_notd_virus it should be the last thing... 6th March 2012, 11:36
lastlid Yes and 3 mobile... 6th March 2012, 11:45
aprilmaejon Originally Posted by... 6th March 2012, 11:48
Moy well said... 6th March 2012, 17:41
Rory I have a lock on my phone for... 6th March 2012, 23:15
grahamw48 I'm happy to share my... 6th March 2012, 23:22
Rory You are just asking for... 6th March 2012, 23:39
grahamw48 :Erm: I must start buying... 6th March 2012, 23:46
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  1. #1
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Question Is it proper or not?

    Hi guys, especially to all British man who are married to Filipinas. I just want to ask if a wife for you here in the UK have the right to access to their husband's social network account like Facebook? Or phone messages?... I want to understand about it...if it is proper or not...because as far as I know, a good marriage shares and open everything...please give me your views about this.

  2. #2
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    For me trust is everything in a marriage, so yes, personally I'd be happy to share facebook, messages etc.

    My fiancee has full access to my FB, and is also a member on here...though she doesn't post.

    I have nothing to hide, and I don't think she has either.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    April ....... I am a British woman living in UK and I wouldn't dream of accessing any of my partner's accounts, emails, cell/ mobile phone messages or anything else. Each of us is entitled to a bit of privacy, whether married or not and I respect that. I would add that we both also totally trust one another and are not facebook users anyway.

  4. #4
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Occasionally my mahal wants to look around my messages, she starts off joking but I feel a seriousness to the question so I let her have a nose.
    I got nothing in there to hide anyway...

  5. #5
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. But, in no way is it god given right for anyone to 'expect' that of anyone, married or not. Just because you are in the uk, morality and privacy remain the same.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  6. #6
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    Facebook and other so called "social networking" sites are the cause of many problems the reason why I have nothing to do with them - that's aside from not wanting Mr Mark Finkleberg or whoever to use my data

  7. #7
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    its not proper unless you are a proper plonker and under the thumb to boot.

  8. #8
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    i have my fiancee password and she has mine 4 facebook mail we have nothing to hide so trust is everything if you have no trust you will never have a good relationship

  9. #9
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    At our pre-marriage seminar for a church wedding (not the DSWD one)(conducted by the nuns in Visayan so I understood about 5% ) three things stuck out for me

    1) the wife has full rights to the husbands pay, overtime and commission
    2) the wife should have full access to the husbands phone to check txts and calls (not sure they've heard of email yet)
    3) the contraceptive pill WILL give you cancer

    And of course if the church teaches this then it must be right. My asawa never has load so uses my phone anyway but there's nothing to hide.

  10. #10
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    "other half" mean to me that you have to share and be is also the name of an ingredient...but how could I trust him if he even put lock on his messages? Meaning he's hiding something from me....I can't feel that I am the other half but just a partner....

  11. #11
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    "other half" mean to me that you have to share and be is also the name of an ingredient...but how could I trust him if he even put lock on his messages? Meaning he's hiding something from me....I can't feel that I am the other half but just a partner....
    I know how you feel. Try to talk to him, tell him the things that bothers you. Guys could be like that.

    Make a tampo mode and i'm sure he would ask you whats wrong? then tell him everything (not sure if its a good suggestion)

  12. #12
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    Make a tampo mode and i'm sure he would ask you whats wrong? then tell him everything (not sure if its a good suggestion)
    I'd say it's not a nice suggestion - if he's not had a taste of tampo before he might react unpleasantly. IMHO Tampo is a very infantile attitude

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    IMHO Tampo is a very infantile attitude
    Yes, when my wife uses it, it is like she has gone back to being a 14 year old.....

  15. #15
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'd say it's not a nice suggestion - if he's not had a taste of tampo before he might react unpleasantly. IMHO Tampo is a very infantile attitude

  16. #16
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    I am confuse....I want our relationship to be open...I have opened everything from him...he knows my social network account...but he don't want me to know his and he put a lock on his phone messages which I already accessed before and there was no problem until now that it has a password. I feel restricted...I believe that he have nothing to hide but I will feel relieved if he can share it to me or open it. If he has nothing to hide, why lock it?

  17. #17
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    When I was in UK, I go check my husband's phone once in a while coz' I go paranoid that he has someone else, fortunately I had nothing to worry about. I realized I should give him a bit of privacy even then we're married now. And when I am suspicious for something I just talk to him and let him know the things that bothers me. respect and trust is very important factor in a marriage/relationship.

  18. #18
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Thanks to all of your views guys...we've talked about it last night and he told me his reason...he said he don't want me to read over his messages or acting like a suspicious girlfriend....but the more he have lock it, the more that I feel so aweful now. :-)

  19. #19
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    as in our case..we both have access to our fb's and phones but am not bother to check it or him to mine rather than our bank account lol.
    well seriously speaking if u both feel secured about each other checking fb's phones emails are becoming nonsense and not an issue at all. I do believe in marriage a little privacy wont do any harm. Each of us needs own space somehow.

  20. #20
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    When we got married, the reverend said for a successful marriage, that there should be no secrets between us and that we should think as one.....

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    When we got married, the reverend said for a successful marriage, that there should be no secrets between us and that we should think as one.....

    Which means you dont trust him....right? You cant have it both ways..unless you married the priest?
    Damn...What is it with women?
    Some stuff can remain private .. or would that mean hes having an affair?...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Which means you dont trust him....right? You cant have it both ways..unless you married the priest?
    Damn...What is it with women?
    Some stuff can remain private .. or would that mean hes having an affair?...
    I'll pass that message on to my wife...

  23. #23
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I'll pass that message on to my wife...
    I passed it on to mine 9 years ago...
    I dont think it worked altogether..
    Its one of those things that you have to live with during marriage..Take it or leave it in my experiience..25 years and going good.....So far.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I passed it on to mine 9 years ago...
    I dont think it worked altogether..
    Its one of those things that you have to live with during marriage..Take it or leave it in my experiience..25 years and going good.....So far.

    I tend to think the whole thing is a bit chicken and egg, if you see what I mean.

    Trust needs to be earned. And I think if one of a couple tends to hide things a little then there is surely genuine grounds for suspicion by the other. I think it is only natural for April to be a little suspicious, under the circumstances.

    My wife checks my phone, for example, periodically and I don't mind as I have nothing to hide. And it shows she cares. It can prove a little difficult if there is something I want to keep from her (birthday present etc) but I have to work around that. She uses my phone at will anyway and I certainly don't lock it or keep it hidden away or permanently in my pocket. If I refused her access I know it would p1ss her off and I wouldn't want to do that.

  25. #25
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Lastlid, I would really agree with secrets to hide...share and open everything that's why I feel so bad now that my partner doesn't share or open that to me....

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    Lastlid, I would really agree with secrets to hide...share and open everything that's why I feel so bad now that my partner doesn't share or open that to me....
    Except for christmas and birthdays of course.....

  27. #27
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Trust plays important part of marriage.. My husband and I share everything.. mobile, facebook, email even his bank accounts.. Though he has given me access to everything I never take advantage on it.

  28. #28
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    The easiest way to make him protect his private space even more is to become paranoid about it.

    What if he is planning a special weekend away or a surprise present or flowers....???? When a guy is tring to be romantic or do something special for his lady, there is nothing worse than a snooping partner to spoil the whole atmosphere of what he is doing.

    He brought you here to the Uk, he loves you, you love him...... just leave it!!
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  29. #29
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    Hi guys, especially to all British man who are married to Filipinas. I just want to ask if a wife for you here in the UK have the right to access to their husband's social network account like Facebook? Or phone messages?... I want to understand about it...if it is proper or not...because as far as I know, a good marriage shares and open everything...please give me your views about this.
    you are just a human..we have differences and if you are happy to do that same as your husband is comfortable then i cant see any problem with that at all..
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  30. #30
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    we can only be a human in such a afraid its how we handle and control over the emotion
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