Can I ask (I'm sure this would be useful for others to know)
First, regarding the evidence of photos together - preferably with recognisable backdrops - do these have to be photo printouts, like you might get from a professional processing shop, or would say just photos embedded in word, along with a sentence on the lines of "This was us taken on DD-MM-YY at LOCATION" then printed out on to just normal paper do?
Secondly, and a bit more complex - regarding these chat logs. If I go into my yahoo, I can either go via the mail in explorer, and click on conversations - where it shows a list of dates, and the first sentence said in the conversation. It shows my mail at the top, and each conversation is headed up with my partners mail.
If you click on any of these, it expands to show the entire conversation over the course of a couple of minutes - showing both our names on different lines.
As it's her who would be applying for any visa though, should these logs be printed off from her mail account - or does it matter, as it surely shows we are both chatting. And would this list of dates be enough, or would it maybe be better printing off say a couple of minutes worth of "long chat" - say twice a week as has been already suggested in different threads.
Hope this makes sense