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Thread: kids leaving home

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    kids leaving home

    well that time has come, my daughter who is 24 came home on saturday and said can i talk, i am moving out she says, i said when, as soon as possible like now, WOW i knew it would happen oneday but it feels like a kick in the teeth too,its a long story but some of the facts are, she is my step daughter and she was 4 when me and her mum got together and when me and her mum split she came to live with me that was nearly 4 years ago,when me and em got back from the phils in feb her boyfriend was staying at our home while we was away so when we got back they asked could they move in together, i said no after thinking about it, plus there was other reasons too, so she and her boyfriend are moving in together at her mums house, funny how the world goes around, i wish them well andits time for all to move on, just the step son to go next, i wonder when that will happen

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I guess that will be nice for you both to be alone then Steve.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Hmm, sort of know how you're feeling.

    Mine went off to Uni' 3 years ago though...also my step-daughter (Filipina), in my care since 1 year old and now 22 years old.

    Totally independent now, but you don't stop worrying about them.

    Next my 18 year-old son who will probably be off to Uni later this year, leaving me with an empty nest.

    Gives me freedom, but also a great sense of loss.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    You're bound to have mixed feelings, Steve. My lad lived with me on and off till he was 35, believe it or not! He'd been going with a girl since 1999 ... then, in 2002/3, she went to Art College in Edinburgh. Following her graduation, they bought a flat in town - roughly about two miles from where I live - and moved in together. Finally, in April 2010, they got married.

    Ahh ... no offence to the young uns, mate ... but you & Emma will relish your new-found freedom; I know I did!

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