To a cetain degree every couple makes their own 'rules'. We are all different.

I believe in an open, loving, faithful relationship where honesty and trust are the most highly prized attributes.

Neither of us has any secrets to hide.

We both need and enjoy our 'own-space' from time to time, and it has nothing to do with trying to hide something.
Everyone is entitled to have privacy, those private feelings and private thoughts we all have. Being in a relationship or being married does not mean we lose that entitlement.

Neither of us has anything to hide on our phones or our computers etc, but we trust each other. That's it.

I would be more than a bit miffed if, without asking, my wife started prying, snooping and invading my privacy. That is so much more than just whacky behaviour.It's almost neurotic.
To my mind that would be a complete lack of respect, honesty and trust.

So where would that put the relationship.