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Thread: No Recourse To Public Funds

  1. #31
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    ...'but their sponsor has died'.

    Hide all sharp knives.

  2. #32
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    this thread is really interesting...husband bought this t-shirt after we received a letter stating that he is no longer entitle for claim of tax credit benefits


  3. #33
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    I'd get arrested for what mine would say.

  4. #34
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I wonder if my overstaying ex has found a way round things to get money?

  5. #35
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    When I arrived back in the UK, I contacted the council tax office to set up a direct debit to pay, when the paperwork arrived they sent a benifit application for housing and council tax. being a pensioner I filled it in and returned it. Aweek later a man from the council called to see me and stated that I would be allowed these benifits, I showed him my wifes 'visa' that states 'no recouse to public funds' he took the 'visa' to photocopy it and returned it by post confirming that I am eligable fo the benifits, I will point out that they are in my name only. Have you any comments Terpe? as I am a little concerned. By the way, my wife starts work in a couple of weeks and I will notify the council accordingly.

  6. #36
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    When I arrived back in the UK, I contacted the council tax office to set up a direct debit to pay, when the paperwork arrived they sent a benifit application for housing and council tax. being a pensioner I filled it in and returned it. Aweek later a man from the council called to see me and stated that I would be allowed these benifits, I showed him my wifes 'visa' that states 'no recouse to public funds' he took the 'visa' to photocopy it and returned it by post confirming that I am eligable fo the benifits, I will point out that they are in my name only. Have you any comments Terpe? as I am a little concerned. By the way, my wife starts work in a couple of weeks and I will notify the council accordingly.
    your allowed to claim what ever benefits your eligible to claim Micheal, what your not allowed to do is claim 'more of a benefit' because your wife (who have 'no recourse to public funds') is with you.

  7. #37
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Thanks Joebloggs, will check with council to find out what they are paying.

  8. #38
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    hi,im recieving carers allowance at the moment but in July this year (2013) in go onto Pension Credit as i'm @ that age now,can you tell me how long my wife has to be living in the UK before i can claim for her as well.up to now we've been living on my single persons carers allowance.thanks.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    hi,im recieving carers allowance at the moment but in July this year (2013) in go onto Pension Credit as i'm @ that age now,can you tell me how long my wife has to be living in the UK before i can claim for her as well.up to now we've been living on my single persons carers allowance.thanks.
    What's the immigration status of your wife?
    Until your wife has ILR there are a number of restrictions in place due to her 'no recouse to public funds' condition.

    As for claims made in your name, you are limited to claim only what you would have been eligible to claim for had your wife not been here.
    (there are a couple of exceptions such as working Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits).

    Are you sure it's Carers Allowance you're receiving ?

    Carers allowance is paid to one person only.
    More than one person in the same household can claim Carer’s Allowance, but they must be caring for different people.
    For example a husband can be caring for his wife and his wife may may be caring for someone else who lives with them. In which case, both the husband and wife can claim Carer’s Allowance.
    Or let's say if both parents are caring for two disabled children and both meet the qualifying conditions for Carer’s Allowance, each could claim Carer’s Allowance for caring for one of the disabled children.

    If you claim Carer's Allowance, it could affect the amount of benefit the person you care for receives.

    I'm not a benefits advisor. You may find this link useful - Benefits Adviser

  10. #40
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    hi Terpe.yes ive been on carers allowance for a number of years,i care for my elderly mother,my wife arrived here in June last year (2012) about 10 months or so,but as i go onto pension credit in July i wondered if/when i could claim for her as well,her passport says 'no recourse to public funds' but how long does that apply? also i'm not sure what ILR is.thanks.

  11. #41
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    also i'm not sure what ILR is.thanks.
    you better start reading about it

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    hi Terpe.yes ive been on carers allowance for a number of years,i care for my elderly mother,my wife arrived here in June last year (2012) about 10 months or so,but as i go onto pension credit in July i wondered if/when i could claim for her as well,her passport says 'no recourse to public funds' but how long does that apply? also i'm not sure what ILR is.thanks.
    Brian, sorry for the abbreviation. ILR is Indefinite Leave to Remain. Once your wife has been living in UK for the 24 months she will be eligible to apply for ILR and then she'll be free all immigration constraints, especially the 'No recourse to public funds'. That 24 months qualifying period must be as your wife. It doesn't include time here as Fiancee.
    When she has been here in UK for 3 years she can apply for British Citizenship. This time the 3 years will include time here as Fiancee.

    Unfortunately Brian the ILR visa is rather expensive. Currently it stands at £1051

    Brian does your wife work?

  13. #43
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Thanks very much for the advice Terpe,her visa is Spouse Visa,and yes she's been here since June 2012 as my wife,so after 2 years she can apply for ILR,at present rate 1051,but by June 2014 i'm sure it will be more than that,.
    then another year after that, she applies for British Citizenship,from June 2015,is that expensive too?.
    No she doesnt work,she's been looking but cant find a job.So does that mean "my" Pension Credit is classed as "public funds"? we can live on that because we are not big spenders but will they accept that? but savings are virtually none you think we are going to have trouble when the time comes to apply?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    Thanks very much for the advice Terpe,her visa is Spouse Visa,and yes she's been here since June 2012 as my wife,so after 2 years she can apply for ILR,at present rate 1051,but by June 2014 i'm sure it will be more than that,.
    then another year after that, she applies for British Citizenship,from June 2015,is that expensive too?.
    No she doesnt work,she's been looking but cant find a job.So does that mean "my" Pension Credit is classed as "public funds"? we can live on that because we are not big spenders but will they accept that? but savings are virtually none you think we are going to have trouble when the time comes to apply?
    Hi Brian, British Citizenship currently costs £874, so yes it's quite expensive especially when you also consider the £1051 paid out for ILR
    These immigration steps certainly focus the need to save as much as possible.
    Of course British Citizenship application is not mandatory, and may be made at any time after the 3 years living in UK
    So nothing to be worried about regarding specific dates/timing.

    Your Pension Credit is considered under public funds.
    This means that although you may claim everything in your own name and eligibility, you must not include your wife whilst she is under immigration controls.
    In principle this means you must inform the DWP that your claim cannot include your wife.

  15. #45
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    hi Terpe
    i thought i'd left all the stress and worry behind after she got her spouse visa to come here.
    now its starting all over again. only this time i dont have the savings i had then. i read on the Border Force website about exemptions for "carers" to the financial rules.
    You will be exempt from the new financial requirement if your sponsor receives a specified disability-related benefit or carer's allowance in the UK. You will need to show that your sponsor can maintain and accommodate you without access to public funds.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    hi Terpe
    i thought i'd left all the stress and worry behind after she got her spouse visa to come here.
    now its starting all over again. only this time i dont have the savings i had then. i read on the Border Force website about exemptions for "carers" to the financial rules.
    You will be exempt from the new financial requirement if your sponsor receives a specified disability-related benefit or carer's allowance in the UK. You will need to show that your sponsor can maintain and accommodate you without access to public funds.
    These new rules do not affect your or your wife Brian.
    Your wife will continue to be treated under old rules. Be thankful for that

  17. #47
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    Terpe what are the old rules please ?

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    Terpe what are the old rules please ?
    These are the immigration rules in place before the 9 July 2012 changes involving financials of income thresholds. Also Brian your wife will be on a 2 year journey to ILR and 3 years to citizenship.
    Anyone applying after 9 July is on a 5 year journey to ILR

  19. #49
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    yea i read that about the 5 year change,only thing about that is that she would have 5 years before she can apply which gives her 5 years to find a job,as it is its two year when she has to apply or become an illigal immigrant if she doesnt,i presume.i read that the amount required/they expect is 18,000 pounds a year,how much was it before the changes? thanks.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by briancol View Post
    yea i read that about the 5 year change,only thing about that is that she would have 5 years before she can apply which gives her 5 years to find a job,as it is its two year when she has to apply or become an illigal immigrant if she doesnt,i presume.i read that the amount required/they expect is 18,000 pounds a year,how much was it before the changes? thanks.
    Well with this new 5 year immigration journey you have also to renew the visa again after 30 months with initial spouse visa.
    That's a cost of £578. Then another 30 months later it's ILR at £1051
    At each visa application there is a requirement to once again meet all Financial Requirements. Income benchmark currently set at an annual gross income level of £18,600.

    The rule under which your wife applied and will continue to be treated under is a quick 2 years to ILR, no interim visa's to apply for and no income benchmark to meet.
    She just needs to demonstrate adequate accommodation and maintenance. Just as you did at initial visa application.
    This is traditionally based on income support levels. Currently £112.55 per week for a couple.

  21. #51
    Respected Member briancol's Avatar
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    (She just needs to demonstrate adequate accommodation and maintenance. Just as you did at initial visa application.This is traditionally based on income support levels. Currently £112.55 per week for a couple)Thanks very much for that info Terpe,that takes a bit of the pressure off, provided they havn't and dont change it.because i was starting to worry again.Pension Credit is around 140 pounds per week i believe,for a Single person.we can live on that as we dont smoke or drink. Thanks again.God Bless.

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