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Thread: happy and sad

  1. #1
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    happy and sad

    iv got my spouse visa granted today but my 5 yr old was denied..

    we want to appeal do u know any good solicitor or lawyer?

    what should we do please help! im just crying at the moment---nivea

  2. #2
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Hi ate nivea, congratulations on your spousal visa approval and I'm sorry to hear about your son's refusal Can you tell us what was the reason for refusal? A letter of reconsideration to the ECM might do but you must also lodge your appeal. I suggest you pm Terpe about a good lawyer, I'm sure he can give you better advice on what to do. Please don't be sad, I'm sure his application will get overturned. Stay positive. 'This too shall pass'. Godbless!

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    how on earth can they grant you a visa and not your son, what are these people

    keep your chin up, im sure an appeal will win through, get your help and advise,

    god help and bless you

  4. #4
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    oh my all i do is cry at the moment,im waiting for my hubby from work i will stay up awake until he comes back..he said he will make a better explanation becos i really cant at the moment i am just too emotional..D---mn it..that is too much becos

    1.) the biological father already gave a consent so i really do not understand why??

    2.)the fact that on religious circumstances,,my son also changed religion like mine (i also gave the immigration my son's religion certificate)..and his father did not do anything about it!! i have the sole responsibilty dont i?

    3.) i pass all my son's book homework pages with my signature for everyday

    my hubby and i both wanted to do anything we have to do as in ryt now!

    juvyjones,and imagine.. thank u for your comments,im sorry my brain is not working well to explain much ryt now..

    my son grew up with us that bio father did not gave anythin as in NOthing.. what makes me cry is that my son thinks we got all oour passports and he is so excited... very excited and i dont want to tear his heart...he is a 5 year old..

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    have you ever lived apart from your son ?

    does the bio father still have contact with your son ?

    need to know the reasons for refusal.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    what are these people
    ... totally heartless!

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    im sorry i dont know the right advise for you, im sad to hear such a heartless decision,

    im sure and hope terpe will be able to advise you better,

    easy to say i know but try not to get too down about it just now, see what advise you get, i feel sure myself that this will be overturned, god bless

  8. #8
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    Hi Nivea,

    Prayer helps.. I'm going to apply also my son's visa soon..Our case is also complicated..My son's my biological son and adopted by my husband in Philippines and he's passport named after my husband's even in school he uses his adoptive name..the problem is d Adoption is not recognized here in the UK.

    I just hope and pray not really a big deal of applying a dependant visa for him..

    Cheer up..Soon your problem will be sorted..goodluck.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruce View Post
    iv got my spouse visa granted today but my 5 yr old was denied..
    , Nivea ... words fail me!!! How on earth can the authorities justfy separating a mother and her child?

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , Nivea ... words fail me!!! How on earth can the authorities justfy separating a mother and her child?
    probably due to sole responsibilty and\or custody of the child

  11. #11
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    hi Arthur, yes i agree totally heartless!!!

    hi Joebloggs,,

    1.i have never lived apart from my son..never.. can i explain this is the sensitive part...,(i wish ud understand cos im not how english talks or explains) the father never had any hubby stays here in philippines every 2 or 3 months he goes back here and lives with us for 4 months to 5 son,,is always with us... then we applied for visas,i had to see the bio father to make arrangements so hed give a consent,,and being good persons,my husband and i allowed him to visit my son every saturday 10 am to 6 pm only and it was also written...we thought its just normal bcos we just dont want to be bad parents someday if my son asks??

    can i share the refusal here? and the paper with the father's signature??? how can i post it on this forum if i can? so u will have a better idea ? ): pls help us..

    sincerely yours--nivea

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    maybe the bio father has objected to the embassy about your son leaving the phils??

    need to know exact reasons for refusal.

    i have to work now.

  13. #13
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    oh and my hubby came here for xmas til new year,,,my son has just been with us....

    my 5yr old son dont talk to bio father and dont like it when hes father gets him on saturdays,,and when he comes back,,,he will say "mom im hungry i didnt eat anything there..."--oh dear sorry for bein too emotional..but i cant let it happen if we leave my son here... if only theyd (CEO) here my son talk..theyd give it him

  14. #14
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    JoeBloggs,i believ and my hubby believ that bio F will tell...cos the bio was too willing to sign the papers..he never even asked anything in return???? just visit on saturdays and sometimes he dont show up and no warnings? he really do not care at all---but who knows? maybe ur ryt...

  15. #15
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    you are very right Arthur Little,,,how on earth would i leave my 5 yr old??? or how on earth would i tell him his passport has no visa in it?? he wont even understand...he is here ryt now with me just very happy and im at the computer hiding my bloody tears...

    hubby just phoned to say gudnyt to him--also the phone calls we submitted all of it..even pics of them chatting

  16. #16
    Member Stevi's Avatar
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    I am sad to hear this I pray this will eventually turn out good. My prayers will be with yuo and your son. I am confident that your son will be leaving with you mark my word I am confident

  17. #17
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    thank u stevi for ur kind words and prayers...

    please help us do u know a good lawyer or solicitor to help us do the appeal?? please help im panicking

  18. #18
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that his visa was refused. Why would they refuse it knowing that it could seperate the family

    If you are able to put the reasons they gave for the refusal, then maybe we can give more advice.

  19. #19
    Member aim_angel's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry to hear about your son's refusal! I am not good and not 100% perfect but maybe because of the bio dads consent? well I don't know but like what rusty said, if you can post the reason of refusal maybe we or they can help you

  20. #20
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    What a terrible position to be in, my heart goes out to you Nivea and Bruce. Try and stay strong for each other and your son. I sincerely hope that you are able to successfully appeal against this ridiculous decision

  21. #21
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi very sorry to hear about your bad news and fully understand how you are feeling at the moment. Perhaps if you can post the reason for the refusal I'm sure our experts will be able to offer some guidance.
    I must say I find it very strange that in my wifes refusal amongst other things the ECO rediculousiy refers to the Abandonment of her child and yet in your case appears to be giving you the ok to abandon your child. Very strange indeed.
    Please stay strong and send a letter of reconsideration and please god this silly decision will be put right.
    We are all behind you

  22. #22
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    they basically have refused saying that they believe the responsibility is shared .... because the bio father does still see Jelly on Saturdays and wants to remain in contact with Jelly when Jelly is in England (again that was our idea ..we told the father he can ring and even see Jelly on skype if he wishes when we move to England) ...

    I allow the father to see Jelly between the hours of 10am - 7pm ...on Saturdays only (this was my idea because we both felt me and my husband that Jelly should always know who is father is) very often the father will not even turn up ...when he does he will often bring Jelly back early ..

    Gosh there is so much I could say ..not long ago Jelly was very ill in hospital ..I sent a txt to the father can not see Jelly this Sat because he is in hospital ..he never even asked me what was wrong ...

    Seems like we are being punished for trying to do the right thing ? ...

    Of course we have to appeal ...we have decided to use a Solicitor but my husband felt it would be quicker to use a Solicitor that is based in the Philippines. My husband prefers to use a solicitor that comes fully recommended ..

    The other point was ..we have heard we can try sending a letter first rather than take the appeal route ? this right ?

    ~thank you all so much for your kind words xx

  23. #23
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    sadly right here is the problem **I acknowledge the vast amount of documents submitted by your mother and step-father to demonstrate their sole-responsibility for you (Jelly) however this is obviously a rather one-sided account of your personal circumstances and I am NOT satisfied that an accurate account has been given**

    Its our application we can only point out the truth ..???

  24. #24
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    this is so funny but makes me cry so hard ..My sons bio father has NEVER made any decision with regards to his son since the day he was born ..never has and never wanted to ..

    PLEASE please can someone recommend a good solicitor here in the Philippines


  25. #25
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    has anybody had any dealings with eco friendly ?

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    maybe your ex has spoken to them and not been completely honest ?, did you give his contact details ?

    it would have been better if he had little or no contact with the child b4 you applied for the visa.

    not sure a solicitor in the phils would be any use, all appeals now are held in the UK.
    i'll see if i can find you a good one.

  27. #27
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    maybe your ex has spoken to them and not been completely honest ?, did you give his contact details ?

    it would have been better if he had little or no contact with the child b4 you applied for the visa.

    not sure a solicitor in the phils would be any use, all appeals now are held in the UK.
    i'll see if i can find you a good one.
    Many thanks for your reply ..

    Honestly I don't think my X has ..he really don't want Jelly and never has ...

    My husband would prefer to use a solicitor in England but we are worried about the time element ? we are hoping it will be over turned by the ECM rather than go into a full blown appeal .??

  28. #28
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    Using a solicitor based in the Phils would be a total waste of time and money in my opinion.
    As has been previously mentioned, it is the BRITISH authorities and regulations that you are dealing with, and it is there that any appeal will be heard/decided.

    Reading between the lines, the main problem is the status and wishes of the biological father ...which of course are taken into consideration.

    Probably a clearly worded statement by him giving HIS side of the story regarding his present and future relationship with your child would go a long way to clarify the situation for the ECO (or appeal judge).

  29. #29
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    though you may think a philippine lawyer will be quicker , but as pointed out by graham and joebloggs
    it is british lawyer/solicitor you need,
    though you may think it would be quicker by phill lawyer, it wont be, and you may loose,
    i think it is better even if you think it takes longer a good british laweyer is better for this ,and a better chance of success, which is what matters most,

  30. #30
    Respected Member bruce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Using a solicitor based in the Phils would be a total waste of time and money in my opinion.
    As has been previously mentioned, it is the BRITISH authorities and regulations that you are dealing with, and it is there that any appeal will be heard/decided.

    Reading between the lines, the main problem is the status and wishes of the biological father ...which of course are taken into consideration.

    Probably a clearly worded statement by him giving HIS side of the story regarding his present and future relationship with your child would go a long way to clarify the situation for the ECO (or appeal judge).
    Many thanks for your reply ..all opinions/views are most helpful

    You stated a waste of time to use a solicitor form the Philippines? ...our appeal will go to the office in the Philippines will be studied there before going to the UK ..we are hoping with new evidence from the bio father (a statement as you suggested) will over turn there derision and issue us with our visa ?

    Now if we use a solicitor from the Uk wife would first need to send some documents here (UK), then then would need to send documents back ...and how could they make or have contact with the bio father who lives in the Philippines (he would need to sign statement) ...surely it would be far more complicated and lenthy to use UK service's in this matter at this stage ?

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