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Thread: Who are playing Xbox games here?

  1. #1
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Question Who are playing Xbox games here?

    What's in Xbox that men do play it?...can you share your experiences guys?

  2. #2
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    ME !...and my son.

    Him....owns probably every game produced for Xbox , but now is a real champ on Call of Duty.

    Me....only the car racing games....Need for Speed Shift, Shift2 and now Forza4, all online too.

    I have custom-built my own racing cockpit with microsoft wheel and pedals.

    'Dad' in my Corvette ZO6....


  3. #3
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I tend to play car games mainly - however just completed Halo Anniversary which was good.

    Currently playing Forza 4, but enjoy PGR 4 also..


  4. #4
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ME !...and my son.

    Me....only the car racing games....Need for Speed Shift, Shift2 and now Forza4, all online too.

    Do you play it online with your friends Graham? For how many hours do you play it?...

  5. #5
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    :-) I really have no idea of the names you mentioned guys...I was just asking if how enjoyable to play it that many of the men here in the UK plays the Philippibes too...but Xbox is not the name of the online game, it is called Dota in there.

  6. #6
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    I also have PGR 4 (and Grid)....only started on Forza 4 yesterday, but enjoying it so far.

    I rarely play for more than a couple of hours at a time, and use my boy's profile online....but I'm pretty competitive despite my .

    Here's another oldish vid of me on Shift2. The AI can be pretty tough and agressive when set to 'hard', so you have to really make an effort.
    My lap times have come down a few secs since I made these vids.


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    I bought my son xbox kinect a couple of xmas's ago but it turned out to be a not so good buy.....but it seems that there is a Star Wars kinect game about to come out in April ( he is 13 ) and looks a bit more promising..

    Myself, I dont play xbox. He does, a lot.

  8. #8
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    So does your partner play it a LOT April ?

  9. #9
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    We had a group of Filipina's playing Fruit Ninja using Kinect - great laugh!

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I bought my son xbox kinect a couple of xmas's ago but it turned out to be a not so good buy.....but it seems that there is a Star Wars kinect game about to come out in April ( he is 13 ) and looks a bit more promising..

    Myself, I dont play xbox. He does, a lot.
    oh ? I can just see you rushing around the lounge with your Light Saber.


  11. #11
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    I love 3rd person shooters, driving games, sci-fi types. I play online with a friend I met online a few years ago which is a laugh. I have been trying to complete Burnout Paradise recently, I am nearly there.... quite a challenge.

    Anyway, below is a pic of my hoard of games. I mostly buy from ebay second hand, you can get some real bargains sometimes.

    Maybe if anyone wants to link up sometime, if we list our games, we can see how is available to play.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    oh ? I can just see you rushing around the lounge with your Light Saber.


  13. #13
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    Our current line-up....(this is getting sad )...


  14. #14
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    Whats final fantasy like? The wife is interested....

  15. #15
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Whats final fantasy like? The wife is interested....
    well...... it's a bit final and a bit like a fantasy really

    Sorry.... I have no idea, but I think it's a good one.
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    No good asking me.

    If it doesn't need a steering wheel ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    No good asking me.

    If it doesn't need a steering wheel ...
    Oh. Its in your collection Graham . The mrs was talking about it earlier on in the evening and a few weeks back. It would be for PC for us as we have no xbox (my son who lives with the ex has the xbox).

    There appears to be about 12 of them. Yours is number XIII

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    We have about 100 PC games as well, dozens of PS2 ones....all of which I am totally useless on. I just pay for them.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Whats final fantasy like? The wife is interested....
    Right, I'll guess you mean Final Fantasy XIII as the others are not on xbox.
    It's very hard to describe, you will either like it or you won't. It actually looks better on ps3, but the xbox version is okish really.

    It is very "walk in a straight line and fight monsters by pushing the x button a lot". The later battles though, you need a strategy or you will get creamed.

    One of the characters in it has been described as the most annoying character ever in video games.........but I quite liked her.

    In all, it's really more like an interactive movie, moving from one cut scene to another. I enjoyed the play through, but many didn't.

    My current game on xbox - I am just about finished with Skyrim, which if you like that sort of thing is the game of the year surely

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Right, I'll guess you mean Final Fantasy XIII as the others are not on xbox.
    It's very hard to describe, you will either like it or you won't. It actually looks better on ps3, but the xbox version is okish really.

    It is very "walk in a straight line and fight monsters by pushing the x button a lot". The later battles though, you need a strategy or you will get creamed.

    One of the characters in it has been described as the most annoying character ever in video games.........but I quite liked her.

    In all, it's really more like an interactive movie, moving from one cut scene to another. I enjoyed the play through, but many didn't.

    My current game on xbox - I am just about finished with Skyrim, which if you like that sort of thing is the game of the year surely
    Cheers. My son was talking about Skyrim......he recommended it.

    I said XIII as Graham has it in his pic....but i think i have seen 12 or 13 for PC in GAME.

  21. #21
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Just seen this 1 hour 17 minutes left
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Just seen this 1 hour 17 minutes left
    Cheers Steve. Like yourself, I often use ebay for games, for my son as they are expensive new. Final Fantasy will be for the mrs and will have to be for PC

  23. #23
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    So does your partner play it a LOT April ?

    When I was still in the Philippines, he played Xbox everyday for hours...but when I arrived here, he played it every Wednesday night for at least 1 hour and maximum of 4 hours. I am not familiar with what games he is playing because I don't bothered asking. It is more often about shooting and shooting...and honestly it is annoying me. :-) I am just considering him playing it because maybe it make him relax...or whatever feeling it gives him when he played it.

    Well guys, I am pretty much surprised that in this generation, a lot of married men playing online games that is supposed to be for kids :-). So I'm gonna understand him for that knowing that there's more of you still playing it not only him.

    But is it normal to play couple of hours with it?...need your views so I could act accordingly with this. Thank you. :-)

  24. #24
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    We had a group of Filipina's playing Fruit Ninja using Kinect - great laugh!
    Well, he was asking me to play with it but I really don't have the interest in playing online games...I am not good at it. So bad with games...and I don't fancy it. :-)

  25. #25
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    Wow!!! That's really a lot!!! My hubby is playing the call of duty...but he often play something about shooting shooting... :-)

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    When I was still in the Philippines, he played Xbox everyday for hours...but when I arrived here, he played it every Wednesday night for at least 1 hour and maximum of 4 hours. I am not familiar with what games he is playing because I don't bothered asking. It is more often about shooting and shooting...and honestly it is annoying me. :-) I am just considering him playing it because maybe it make him relax...or whatever feeling it gives him when he played it.

    Well guys, I am pretty much surprised that in this generation, a lot of married men playing online games that is supposed to be for kids :-). So I'm gonna understand him for that knowing that there's more of you still playing it not only him.

    But is it normal to play couple of hours with it?...need your views so I could act accordingly with this. Thank you. :-)
    Hmm...I thought that might be the problem.

    If it's affecting your relationship you need to speak to him about it. We all have hobbies, but 'obsessions' at the expense of our partner are something different. 2 hours a day doesn't sound to excessive, but if it's eating into your time together, or you feel 'shut out', then I foresee problems ahead.

    Maybe give him some jobs to do around the house.

    Oh, and the games aren't all aimed at kids (though a lot of young kids do play the supposedly adult ones), a lot are rated 18+ because of the violence and bad language.

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    I am not a big game player but sometimes my wife is buried in facebook (sometimes playing facebook games ) and at that point I will play my own game. So we sit together on the sofa playing our own indvidual games. It does work, a bit like watching tv together. Or reading together. And as long as it isn't excessive then its good and still counts as quality time together. I cant stand Cityville etc etc but she enjoys it and that doesn't get in the way of us being together.

    I know that I am going to get bombarded with derision but we find the ipad quite handy under the circumstances. We have an ipad and a laptop so that being together on the sofa playing games simultaneously does indeed work quite well. It's not as if we are sitting side by side with two desktops between us, or worse than that, in seperate rooms. And we can still dip in and out of any tv program that we might want to watch, simultaneously.

    I say ipad but any tabloid would do, I reckon. (Got to say that to keep the Apple bashers happy ).

  28. #28
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Hmm...I thought that might be the problem.

    If it's affecting your relationship you need to speak to him about it. We all have hobbies, but 'obsessions' at the expense of our partner are something different. 2 hours a day doesn't sound to excessive, but if it's eating into your time together, or you feel 'shut out', then I foresee problems ahead.

    Maybe give him some jobs to do around the house.
    Do you think it's really a problem Graham letting him play for just every Wednesday night for hours? Up until 10:30 to 11pm? Sometimes he started playing at 6:30 and end up 10:30 and I am forced to entertain myself in our room watching tv alone. I do turned the volume to maximum so I could not hear it-because it really annoys me and he's aware of it. He would also play it if I am not at home sometimes...

    I do all the chores in the house. I do all the wife stuffs, from preparing his clothes for work, his breakfast...everything really. He just come home sitting pretty and I am enjoying and loving looking after his needs. :-)

    So, can you advice something about it. Should I address it? How?

  29. #29
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I am not a big game player but sometimes my wife is buried in facebook (sometimes playing facebook games ) and at that point I will play my own game. So we sit together on the sofa playing our own indvidual games. It does work, a bit like watching tv together. Or reading together. And as long as it isn't excessive then its good and still counts as quality time together. I cant stand Cityville etc etc but she enjoys it and that doesn't get in the way of us being together.

    I know that I am going to get bombarded with derision but we find the ipad quite handy under the circumstances. We have an ipad and a laptop so that being together on the sofa playing games simultaneously does indeed work quite well. It's not as if we are sitting side by side with two desktops between us, or worse than that, in seperate rooms. And we can still dip in and out of any tv program that we might want to
    I can play games but after 30 minutes I immediately got bored of it...and I can't sit next to him when he's playing it because I am annoyed by the sound of the game and he talking like a kid. So everytime he have this odd Wednesday of playing, we are in separate rooms for hours...he will be at downstairs and i am upstairs trying to entertain myself or distract myself byturning the volume of the tele to the maximum. He would come to bed with me and is ready to sleep.

    What do you think? Will I consider it? I'm gonna talk to him about that but first I need your suggestions/advices/reaction to that situation.

    Aside from that, he has his evening kungfu class every Monday and Thursday. He would left home at around 8pm and would come home 10:30...I approved that because it is a good physical activity to him although our quality of time being together is affected with that...

    So if anyone could tell me how to act accordingly to this...please do so. Thank you. :-)

  30. #30
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    So if anyone could tell me how to act accordingly to this...please do so. Thank you
    I have suddenly got a flashback of the Fosters tv ads, Brad and Dan......

    Seperate rooms doesnt help. But then it sounds like just one evening per week so that isn't so bad really! I actually dont see one night per week on the xbox as being unreasonable. And at least you know where he is....

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