Maybe you can do what Annie did and decorate your fiance's house? Mmmm before I met Anilyn I was always in the pub so there was a lot of work to be done, well at least I had been shopping for all the stuff I needed over the years, just never got around to doing it all She spent her days talking on the internet or phone to family, going for a walk with my elderly neighbour, and decorating as well as day to day chores around the house while I was at work. Annie was on a visitor visa then, so no work could be found, not legally anyway, and I did not want to risk having her sent back home for earning money. So basically you need to get some hobbies, Anilyn tried to play keyboard, but she is still trying Just like me with the Guitar I have had for years, it was to big to take to the pub When you can legally work then all will be better. I do not think that it is possible to work while on a Fiancce Visa? Only if you become married, I believe, this is true but have been looking on the embassy web site and cannot find, but the answer is her in the forum see this thread. You are entitled to live and Work from the date of marriage for two years and then you can apply for citizenship etc and live and work here permenantly providing the marriage is still working, else you have to go back home, I am afraid. Hope all goes well for you both in the future