Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
My boss has two 4 x 4s. One's a Porche and the other is a Discovery. And why not? He parks his Porsche next to the Ferrari that is parked in the same car park which is never locked as the only steamer around is the one between Douglas and Liverpool.

Do they use them to their full capabilities? I would say yes as they drive a lot of miles, have a large family and live in the country and use both for a variety of business purposes. And do they use their Apples? All the time conducting a very succesful global business.

Despite that I am going to tap him on the shoulder and get him to buy a Ford Focus instead.
Fair enough sounds like they make use of them unlike chums wife who is a brand snob and needs a four hundred quid iPad to play scrabble on the sofa with, I guess she could do the same on the i phone but perhaps the screen size makes it harder.

She's also got a 4 x 4 that replaced the 2 year old Fiesta a couple of years ago and uses it for the private school run. Funnily enough the car purchase coincided with youngest boy moving from a state nursery to the same school as Mr Blumenthals kids. She finds it easy to spend her successful husbands money.