Hi Guys
Just to confirm that I checked with the wife and all original documents have been returned. The documents prove beyond doubt that I've been to the Philippines twice. Passport, Marriage Certificate, Local CNI issued by British Embassy, Personal Photos, Professional Wedding Photos, Plane Ticket Receipts and a Hotel Receipt. I've even got a picture of me standing beside the deputy mayor of Malabon on my wedding day.
I've been driving trains all day and this

can really play on your mind.
I really think whoever it was must of had a bad day I honestly cant think of anything else.
As Terpe says to use the term abandonment is disgusting. The Child will be well looked after by his Grand Parents and he goes to a lovely school and he's doing very well. When the time is right he will join us in the UK. His Mum is devoted to him.
As regards the date of divorce and the date of Marriage I cannot see what he is trying to suggest. I applied for the divorce so that we could marry and if we hadn't met and decided to Marry I probably wouldn't have rushed to divorce for no other reason than financial. My Marriage was over long before we met I just hadn't got round to making it legal.
Other points he makes in the refusal clearly show he never studied it properly. He mentions that I have a daughter when in fact we told them I have 2 daughters who are both working and not dependant on me other than a sub before pay day lol.
He then refers to my Mum living in Mitcham when infact her address is Brixton.
All in all I expect no special treatment just the same sense of fair play as everyone else expects. We have nothing to hide just another couple in love who want to spend the rest of their lives together. I have invested alot in this relationship not only financially but emotionally and I'm very sorry that some

in an office in Manila doesn't approve but rest assured whatever it takes and however long it takes my wife will join me in the UK.
For the first time since this nightmare began I am actually crying now which is probably a good thing as it will make me even more determined. I will be composing a letter of reconsideration for my wife to deliver to the embassy and hopefully it works but I will also be submitting the appeal. I also intend trying to see my MP asap.
I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and great advice you are an amazing bunch. If one good thing comes from this it will be the ability to help others who God forbid find themselves in a similar situation in future.
Onwards and Upwards. I love you Mary Grace.