Thanks guys for all your support it really is humbling. It's amazing what a difference 24 hours can make. When we got the email from VFS we were in a celebratory mood checking the price of flights and making plans as I have 2 weeks off work the week after next and then the bombshell arrives.
We'll just have to put the celebrations on hold for a while and set about righting this wrong.
In my honest opinion I really cant believe that the application was studied properly as there are quite obvious mistakes in his refusal.
We put alot of effort into the application and submitted a hell of a lot of supporting documents photographs and personal letters in support from both myself and my mother. There were nearly 50 guests at our wedding and we had a professional photographer taking our pictures. Some of these pictures were submitted. I know there was no problem with my financial situation and he clearly hasn't mentioned that.
If only these people would speak to you before these decisions and they would realise we have nothing to hide and no lies to tell.