The Decision
You propose to join your husband in London. He divorced in June 2011 and married you 4 months later. You have submitted no evidence of any photos, passport page photocopies or similar evidence that this man has ever been in the Philippines. You live with your 8 year old son and appear to be abandoning him to move permanently to the UK. You have not mentioned your son or how he will be cared for in any of your supporting documentation. You have not told me about his father. Your husband has a child from his first marriage. Given these facts and that I have seen no evidence that you and this man have ever met in person. I am not satisfied on balance that your application meets the requirements of paragraph 281.
You propose to live with your husband and his mother in Mitcham. You have submitted no independently variable evidence of the property you propose to inhabit such as a Property Inspection Report (PIR). I am therefore not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph 281.
I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied on the balance probabilities that you meet all of the requirements of the relevant Paragraph of the United Kingdom Immigration Rules.