Finally today my wife Christine received her settlement visa from Aboitz.
I wanted to say thanks to everyone cause I read about how to prepare for the visa in the forums and was given hope reading others stories.
I submitted 3 months pay slips, 3 months bank statements, a life insurance policy for myself and THANK GOD we got the visa. It was such a hard journey being apart and everything so stressful to get evidence, the best things come to those who wait they say! Just wanted to share this to give hope to everyone else, I know how hard it is!! Oh and if there are any other filipinas in the Yorkshire area, (we are near Bridlington) I am positive my wife would like to have a chat with you to feel at home when she arrives here Friday 16th March. Not sure how i can receive email though perhaps someone can tell me how i can get a pm so i can give my wife's email? Anyway, Thank you so much everyone for all the assistance and advice!!!!! John and Christine