Thanks to everyone for viewing and posting . Three modern views for comparison, and an idea of how times have changed :-
In 1978 population of Philippines was 46 million, with 7 pesos / US dollar ( 14 pesos / GB Pound ).
There had been martial law since 1972, so the incumbent president Ferdinand Marcos ruled by decree. For a visitor like me, it was hard to detect any restrictions, and at first I didn’t realise how much the press was controlled by Marcos and his cronies.
" Ninoy "Aquino ( late father of the current President ) was allowed to take part in elections - from his prison cell. He urged his supporters to run a number of candidates in Metro Manila. His political party, Lakas ng Bayan ("People's Power" / Laban , or " fight " in Tagalog ), would probably have won in an honest election .
In fact Marcos had formed the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (New Society Movement)
winning most votes and 80% of seats ( Laban 10% votes, no seats ) .

( UK - 1978 - Louise Brown, the world's first IVF baby, was born. Georgi Markov, Bulgarian dissident, was murdered by an umbrella with a poison pellet. Bee Gees dominated the charts thanks to their soundtrack for Saturday Night Fever; others being Boney M (Rivers of Babylon), Paul McCartney (Mull of Kintyre), and Kate Bush (Wuthering Heights) ). Philippines, two singers - still around now - were Claire, with “ Sayang “ , and “Sharon Cuneta with “ Mr DJ “ .

( MOA = Mall of Asia did not exist in 1978 ! )

2011 view of Makati City and Pasig River.

With Aegis Band at Zirkoh, Greenhills, San Juan - 2010. Only around since the 90's.