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Thread: Just got engaged =)

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  1. #1
    Member fluentlee's Avatar
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    Smile Just got engaged =)

    Hi I'm Lee

    I'm new to the forums, but I've been lurking around a bit reading some of the threads and I must say, they're very helpful.

    Like most of the women here, I fell for the English charm, hehe. I just got engaged to a wonderful Englishman from Devon on Feb. 29, 2012. We've known each other for 3 years, but our friendship only took a romantic turn last year, in August of 2011 to be exact.

    I'm looking forward to meeting people who are in similar situations, to learn from their experiences, and to seek their advice regarding important matters (ex. visa, living in the UK, working in the UK)

    I've been reading through many of the threads here, and I've learned so much. This week I plan to pay the British embassy here in the Philippines to seek further advice on how to obtain a fiance visa.

    How long does it usually take?

    Anyway, hope to make new friends here, I actually made a post earlier, but it didn't appear, I don't know why =\ I hope this one shows up.

    Hoping for your prayers, advice and support ^^


  2. #2
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Hi Lee!
    Welcome to this friendly forum.
    Just follow Sir Terpe's thread and you will never go wrong
    Here's the link:
    Soon I will lodge my Fiancee Visa application too, so goodluck to us!

  3. #3
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum Lee

    Congratulations on your recent engagement

    How long does it usually take?
    Last year It seems like applicants were so lucky to get their fiancee/spouse visa granted for a matter of days, but nowadays as embassy is currently in peak season due to some reasons, they process settlement visa application within 12 weeks.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Eyes O'Donnell's Avatar
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    Lee here and Congratulations on your engagement. Wishing you all the best for the future.

  5. #5
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Hi Emily, welcome to the forum.
    I am now here in the UK and I am also under fiancée visa. I lodged my documents last Nov. 9 and visa was granted last Dec.6. I arrived here last Dec. 23, 2011. It would really depends on you and your partner's papers. Make sure everything is there especially the proofs of your genuine relationship.

  6. #6
    Member Loidaseminiano's Avatar
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    Hi Lee.. Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your engagement. I am under a fiancee visa too i apply my visa in Phil last year oct 17 and granted nov 17 it was exactly one month before i got the visa and flew to uk end of nov. Keep reading some post here as that will help you more to obtain a fiancee visa. Indeed Good luck for your upcoming application. God Bless.


  7. #7
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Welcome to this wonderful Forum!

  8. #8
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    Welcome to the forum.

  9. #9
    Respected Member gladz's Avatar
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    Hi. to this forum.

  10. #10
    Member aim_angel's Avatar
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    Welcome !

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Lee ... to the friendly filipino/uk forum, congratulations on your recent engagement and good luck with your visit to the British Embassy in Manila.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluentlee View Post
    Hi I'm Lee

    I'm new to the forums, but I've been lurking around a bit reading some of the threads and I must say, they're very helpful.

    Like most of the women here, I fell for the English charm, hehe. I just got engaged to a wonderful Englishman from Devon on Feb. 29, 2012. We've known each other for 3 years, but our friendship only took a romantic turn last year, in August of 2011 to be exact.

    I'm looking forward to meeting people who are in similar situations, to learn from their experiences, and to seek their advice regarding important matters (ex. visa, living in the UK, working in the UK)

    I've been reading through many of the threads here, and I've learned so much. This week I plan to pay the British embassy here in the Philippines to seek further advice on how to obtain a fiance visa.

    How long does it usually take?

    Anyway, hope to make new friends here, I actually made a post earlier, but it didn't appear, I don't know why =\ I hope this one shows up.

    Hoping for your prayers, advice and support ^^

    Hi there and welcome to the forum

    Glad you made the post.
    Nice intro too

  13. #13
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi Lee and welcome to the forum

  14. #14
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    welcome here lee


  15. #15
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Hi there Lee and welcome.

    Not sure you need to pay the embassy surely though for advice, but I don't know.
    There's plenty of advice on here.

    What do you want to know about living in the UK then? I've lived here all my life so I know a thing or two

    No seriously, just ask anything you want to know

  16. #16
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Hi there, welcome to the forum and congratulations.

  17. #17
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    This week I plan to pay the British embassy here in the Philippines to seek further advice on how to obtain a fiance visa.
    Last year, in April, my wife as she is now and I, paid a visit to the UK embassy in Manila. We went there fairly blind and hadn't even joined the forum by then. The Manila embassy is a highly secure site as you might imagine and after explaining the requirements for a CNI, we were quickly diverted away to VFS in Makati, where we were able to start to piece together information that we needed for marriage and a Spouse visa.

    Generally, it would seem that although the UKBA makes the rules etc the day to day side of things, dealing with visa applicants queries, is largely dealt with by VFS. In the end it was only for the local CNI requirement that the embassy actually dealt with us directly (processing of the visa application excepting of course). In your case, going for a Fiancee visa, your fiancee wont even require a local CNI issued by the UKBA.

    It was interesting making the initial visit nonetheless, but in some ways a wasted journey (CNI related stuff excepting).

    Regarding the visa, any time I managed to get through to the UKBA they almost without exception referred me / us to VFS.

    The embassy does reply to email but often after great delay ( I found often at least a week ). But found VFS much quicker to respond. Some say that VFS cant and don't really know enough to advise on visa matters, as they are merely there to take in new visa applications, but at the end of the day I found them both very helpful and accessible.

    If paying them a visit to find out information / ask visa related questions, I think it helps to make an appointment with VFS but on the 2 occasions we visited (once in April and once in June) we just turned up on spec for 1pm. I think we arrived at about 11 am and got told to return at 1pm. Once inside they see you on a first come first served basis.

    The only problem we had was not of VFS's making and that was simply that I wasn't allowed into the building complex with shorts on

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Last year, in April, my wife as she is now and I, paid a visit to the UK embassy in Manila. We went there fairly blind and hadn't even joined the forum by then. The Manila embassy is a highly secure site as you might imagine and after explaining the requirements for a CNI, we were quickly diverted away to VFS in Makati, where we were able to start to piece together information that we needed for marriage and a Spouse visa.

    Generally, it would seem that although the UKBA makes the rules etc the day to day side of things, dealing with visa applicants queries, is largely dealt with by VFS. In the end it was only for the local CNI requirement that the embassy actually dealt with us directly (processing of the visa application excepting of course). In your case, going for a Fiancee visa, your fiancee wont even require a local CNI issued by the UKBA.

    It was interesting making the initial visit nonetheless, but in some ways a wasted journey (CNI related stuff excepting).

    Regarding the visa, any time I managed to get through to the UKBA they almost without exception referred me / us to VFS.

    The embassy does reply to email but often after great delay ( I found often at least a week ). But found VFS much quicker to respond. Some say that VFS cant and don't really know enough to advise on visa matters, as they are merely there to take in new visa applications, but at the end of the day I found them both very helpful and accessible.

    If paying them a visit to find out information / ask visa related questions, I think it helps to make an appointment with VFS but on the 2 occasions we visited (once in April and once in June) we just turned up on spec for 1pm. I think we arrived at about 11 am and got told to return at 1pm. Once inside they see you on a first come first served basis.

    The only problem we had was not of VFS's making and that was simply that I wasn't allowed into the building complex with shorts on
    Aye......nothing more offensive to the locals than hairy white knobbly knees.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Aye......nothing more offensive to the locals than hairy white knobbly knees.
    Most annoying was the fact that they let my wife in with shorts on.....

  20. #20
    Member fluentlee's Avatar
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    All your responses have been very helpful, I have a feeling I'll be coming to this forums very often hehe.

    Oh and I meant to say "I'll pay the British Embassy a visit", not pay them money hehe. I tried to edit my post but I couldn't find the edit option >.<

    Thanks again for all your responses. *Group hug*


  21. #21
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    Mad isn't it.

    I had to hide my face the other day on the Victory Liner PUBLIC bus when passionate semi-naked lovemaking came on the bus TV.

    Some odd double-standards in the Phils, that's for sure.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Mad isn't it.

    I had to hide my face the other day on the Victory Liner PUBLIC bus when passionate semi-naked lovemaking came on the bus TV.

    Some odd double-standards in the Phils, that's for sure.
    Yes. Very annoying as we had to go back to VFS the following day...a complete waste of half a day.

  23. #23
    Member fluentlee's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip guys, I guess I won't be going to the British embassy, I think I can get all the info I need on this forum, so I'll spare myself from a potential waste of time =D

  24. #24
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluentlee View Post
    Hi I'm Lee

    I'm new to the forums, but I've been lurking around a bit reading some of the threads and I must say, they're very helpful.

    Like most of the women here, I fell for the English charm, hehe. I just got engaged to a wonderful Englishman from Devon on Feb. 29, 2012. We've known each other for 3 years, but our friendship only took a romantic turn last year, in August of 2011 to be exact.

    I'm looking forward to meeting people who are in similar situations, to learn from their experiences, and to seek their advice regarding important matters (ex. visa, living in the UK, working in the UK)

    I've been reading through many of the threads here, and I've learned so much. This week I plan to pay the British embassy here in the Philippines to seek further advice on how to obtain a fiance visa.

    How long does it usually take?

    Anyway, hope to make new friends here, I actually made a post earlier, but it didn't appear, I don't know why =\ I hope this one shows up.

    Hoping for your prayers, advice and support ^^

    Congratulations on your engagement Lee, Wednesday 29 February 2012 will always be a memorable day for me too but for different reasons to yours (I broke my foot on that day).

    Good luck with your forthcoming visa application, I do hope that you make it to Devon soon as it is a lovely part of the UK.


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