
We would appreciate your help in completing the online Fiancee Visa forms.

Firstly, to get a Fiancee Visa, which categories should we select on the initial page? We plan to marry once she is in the UK. Do we select the 'Settlement' options, and then 'Marriage'? Or 'Proposed civil partnership?

Then the form asks what date she will travel to the UK. We don't have a firm booking yet, but probably mid-late April onwards (whenever everything gets granted and sorted basically). Do we need to put a firm date, or can this just be a rough date?

- The form then asks "What is the main purpose of your visit to the UK' Is 'live with my Fiancee and get married' the right answer?

- Also, I have the PDF Sponsor form. Will they accept me only submitting utility bills, government documents (tax letter), Council letter? My mortgage still has my ex's name on it (trying to sell the house right now). The title deeds are with the building society.

- Who signs part 2/page 2 of the sponsor form? Do we just send it back for them to sign?

Thank you for any help you can give.