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Thread: Young Pretentious Upstart or Has He Got a Point?

  1. #1
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    Young Pretentious Upstart or Has He Got a Point?

    Young lad in the philippines filing a bill on banning soft drinks in schools....

    "This year, with the help of his parents – his father, Dan Gatmaytan, is a lawyer; his mother, Cielo, is an economist working for her doctorate in law and public poicy – Chip revised HB 4268 and turned it into a proposed ordinance for Quezon City. On Valentine's Day, he asked QC Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte to help make the regulation of children's access to soft drinks a policy at least for his home city. He made the same pitch to QC Councilor Alfred Vargas a few days later. But by this time the young man already had his sights on doing something for the whole country."

  2. #2
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    yeah softdrinks here in our country has been the daily drinks of children and teens, its really alarming cause in our place early in the morning little children buy softdrinks and treat those like milk and also teens they can consume almost how many liters in one day, so the result most of them in their early age has a diabetes or a stone in their gall bladder or in their kidney and some died early since they don't have money to go on a dialysis ...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    yeah softdrinks here in our country has been the daily drinks of children and teens, its really alarming cause in our place early in the morning little children buy softdrinks and treat those like milk and also teens they can consume almost how many liters in one day, so the result most of them in their early age has a diabetes or a stone in their gall bladder or in their kidney and some died early since they don't have money to go on a dialysis ...
    Interesting. We are a bit relaxed on soft drinks here too.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Interesting. We are a bit relaxed on soft drinks here too.
    yup its one of the cause my mother has a diabetes cause she loves softdrinks in her teens she told me that when she was in college that was her lunch with skyflakes hahaha then now she is in her old age she suffer the consequences now she even had an operation in her gall bladder cause it has a big rock already its almost the size of pingpong ball smaller i guess but that's the result and she really doesn't like fruits and vegetables so i made shakes to make her drink it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    yup its one of the cause my mother has a diabetes cause she loves softdrinks in her teens she told me that when she was in college that was her lunch with skyflakes hahaha then now she is in her old age she suffer the consequences now she even had an operation in her gall bladder cause it has a big rock already its almost the size of pingpong ball smaller i guess but that's the result and she really doesn't like fruits and vegetables so i made shakes to make her drink it
    Interesting. Skyflakes and can of fizzy pop eh?! Same here, so many folk dont like / neglect eating vegetables. I am very lucky as I love fruit so I eat loads of fruit. Anyhow, I had my gall bladder removed about 6 years ago - cholesterol derived gall stone so I am told. They were going to do it keyhole but instead opened me up like a cesarian

  6. #6
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Interesting. Skyflakes and can of fizzy pop eh?! Same here, so many folk dont like / neglect eating vegetables. I am very lucky as I love fruit so I eat loads of fruit. Anyhow, I had my gall bladder removed about 6 years ago - cholesterol derived gall stone so I am told. They were going to do it keyhole but instead opened me up like a cesarian
    wow you also undergo an operation why they do it like that, laparascope is already existing then, you will only be operated in a small hole just like my mother's and sister-in-law both of them. Yeah its really hard to eat properly especially in college days i also experience that eating only skyflakes then sometimes we have food but where eating next to dead cadaber cause we're memorizing the anatomy of it hahaha but me i don't like to drink softdrinks only in some parties or in foodchain when they don't have juice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vische View Post
    wow you also undergo an operation why they do it like that, laparascope is already existing then, you will only be operated in a small hole just like my mother's and sister-in-law both of them.
    I was told it was going to be laproscopic but when I came out of the general anaethetic it was "cesarian". They told me that they couldnt find it laproscopically as it was hidden by my liver.....

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    Wicked on the teeth and full of useless calories with no accompanying nutrients.

    None of my 3 kids have any cavities and all are adults now...nor did they eat or drink expensive rubbish.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I've always been fond of sweet, fizzy soft drinks ... and have never really acquired a taste for alcohol - other than *cider, (I suppose, because *IT reminded me of Appleade!) Having been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year, it's not too difficult to guess the culprit!

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Wicked on the teeth
    ... one that probably explains why I no longer have many of mine left.

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    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Wicked on the teeth and full of useless calories with no accompanying nutrients.

    None of my 3 kids have any cavities and all are adults now...nor did they eat or drink expensive rubbish.
    yeah children should avoid drinking those specially in a daily basis, im glad my nephews are not allowed to drink except in parties

  12. #12
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... one that probably explains why I no longer have many of mine left.
    now you know it

  13. #13
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    no to softdrinks!! yes to milk and water!! a young age i didnt introduced softdrinks to my daughter , she finds it a strange treat once she had a sip in some occasions
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  14. #14
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    I was at the dentist the other day and they had a campaign on, saying don't drink fruit juice outside of your 3 main meals a day. The explanation was that fruit juice (and dried fruit) will attack the teeth and ones teeth can only take 3 "acid attacks" a day. I am sure they are right. I got used to drinking fruit juice at any time, something I never did as a kid as we couldn't afford it. Fruit yes. Fruit juice no. Dried fruit no.

    More paranoia on the food front.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Vische's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I was at the dentist the other day and they had a campaign on, saying don't drink fruit juice outside of your 3 main meals a day. The explanation was that fruit juice (and dried fruit) will attack the teeth and ones teeth can only take 3 "acid attacks" a day. I am sure they are right. I got used to drinking fruit juice at any time, something I never did as a kid as we couldn't afford it. Fruit yes. Fruit juice no. Dried fruit no.

    More paranoia on the food front.
    wow u'l never know what to eat or drink these days

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