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Thread: Accomodation Question

  1. #1
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    Accomodation Question

    I will be getting married to my financee in the Phils in May and then we will immediately make a spousal visa application for my wife and UK passport application for our baby son. Due to a long running but finally sorted divorce settlememt in the UK, I am living at my fathers 4 bedroom house, he lives alone and wishes for my new wife and baby son to joins us. I have a regular well paid job and substantial cash savings in the bank, but didnt want to buy a house until next year as Im still saving to buy a house outright.
    My questions is will the ECO accept if my wife and baby son were to be accommodated with me at my fathers house, we do not plan to stay there indefinetly. I have asked my father to write a support letter that I will attach to my sponsors letter, with copies of his house deeds and pictures of the large house, all to be sent with the visa application. I just want to know whether our visa application could be refused as I am not living in my own house or seperate rented accommodation

    many thanks,
    Robert & Novi

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    does he own it or does he rent it ?
    if he owns it, there should be no problems him sponsoring your acommodation, if he rents it , he'll need permission off who ever owns it that you and your family can stay there..

    you'll need a letter of support from him, evidence he owns it - copy of deeds etc, pictures of each room, and maybe a report stating it will not be over crowded.

    sorry for short reply,. got to work now

  3. #3
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    I don't see it being a problem at all Robert.

    Just supply the documentation as detailed above.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    does he own it or does he rent it ?
    if he owns it, there should be no problems him sponsoring your acommodation, if he rents it , he'll need permission off who ever owns it that you and your family can stay there..

    you'll need a letter of support from him, evidence he owns it - copy of deeds etc, pictures of each room, and maybe a report stating it will not be over crowded.

    sorry for short reply,. got to work now
    Thanks Joe,

    He is the freehold owner, just him living there, he eill be glas of the company as my moather passed away a while back and my sons form prvious marriage grown up already.

  5. #5
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    thanks Graham

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you need to show you show that you will have exclusive access to a bedroom(s) which are not used by anyone else.

    also recently someone was asked for a housing report, you should be able to get one from your local council or from an independent surveyor which confirms the size and suitability of the premises should cost less than £70, you shouldn't need one, but you might not want to take the risk.

  7. #7
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    Jeeeze they'll be wanting a full chartered survey soon.

    If only the same standards were applied to all the resident druggy work-dodger scumbags here before being housed and given free license to breed.

  8. #8
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    Given that your father is the owner I think that as long as he gives written permission for you to live there it won't be an issue for the ECO. You could just include a couple of photos as back-up.
    Don't get too hung-up on that, the visa will not be refused because you don't have your own property.

    When we first arrived in UK we also stayed with my parents. No problems with UKBA at all. It's much more common than you might imagine.

    I bet if and when you decide to set up on your own he'll really miss you both. I bet your wife will miss him too.

    Don't wo

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Given that your father is the owner I think that as long as he gives written permission for you to live there it won't be an issue for the ECO. You could just include a couple of photos as back-up.
    Don't get too hung-up on that, the visa will not be refused because you don't have your own property.

    When we first arrived in UK we also stayed with my parents. No problems with UKBA at all. It's much more common than you might imagine.
    i did the same Peter.. i agree you should need one, but from bigmarco post

    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    The Decision

    You propose to live with your husband and his mother in Mitcham. You have submitted no independently variable evidence of the property you propose to inhabit such as a Property Inspection Report (PIR). I am therefore not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph 281.


  10. #10
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    I think it depends to a large extent on the credibility the ECO forms of the application.
    In the case of bigmarco I think any submitted PIR would not have changed the decision. For some, as yet, unexplained reason

    Anyway Robert, on balance Joe is probably right.
    Besides I always advise everyone to follow the path of least risk. So perhaps on reflection it might be a worthwhile expenditure. Minimising risk is never wrong.

    These ECO's are only one grade up from an Admin Clerk anyway. Sometimes they need to be spoon fed.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your right Peter,
    I can't see you being refused for just, not having a PIR done, its more of a secondary excuse, probably to act as backup reason and to add more weight to justifying a refusal for a primary excuse.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    I acted as sponsor for the unmarried partner's settlement visa application of my "sister-in-law" and nephew and submitted the following:-

    1. Confirmation that I own a detached three bedroomed house in which the family would reside until a suitable property was found.
    2. Confirmation that the family would have the private use of a spare double bedroom and ensuite bathroom, along with all other facilities at the property.
    3. Sponsorship undertakings form
    4. Copy of a utility bill for gas
    5. Copy of letter from my mortgage provider confirming my mortgage with them
    6. Copy of my payslip
    7. Family photographs (including me) to support that my brother has been in a full time relationship with his partner for a number of years

    They were urgent applications as there were extenuating circumstances but the visa applications were approved. Wishing you the very best of luck with yours Robert!

  13. #13
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    Thanks all,

    What I was planning to do was submitt a letter of support from my father with a certified copies of his house deeds and Property details showing there is no mortgage on his property & some utiility bills. I was also going to attach property pictures for the 4 bedrooms, including one ensuite room for me/wife and a second bedroom for our baby son. This still leaves one bedroom spare after my fathers bedroom. I thought that would be enough until I read the feedback.

    Not sure whether I need the property information report?. Any idea where I could get a report completed for a reasonable price.

    many thanks for all the replies, this forum is so helpful and friendly,

  14. #14
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    Me and my Filipina wife currently live at my Dads, my wife came over on a fiancee visa, we supplied copys of the deeds and a supporting letter from Dad plus photos of the rooms in the house. Our visa went through with no problems after 4 weeks or so! Good luck.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you shouldnt need a PIR if you're going to send what you said, i think BigMarco was refused and mentioned the PIR becuase the ECOwas taking the

    i didnt have a PIR done when we lived at my moms.

  16. #16
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    Absolutely - ECO was way over the top with that.

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