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Thread: Have U Heard about Philand Ynterlink?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    Have U Heard about Philand Ynterlink?

    I have sent balikbayan boxes through them in the past they seemed ok...but lately I and 3 friends sent our boxes together last dec. to the Philippines and our family haven't received them yet. I tried to contact them but none of their phone numbers can be reached...Does anyone know anything about them?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by jta View Post
    I have sent balikbayan boxes through them in the past they seemed ok...but lately I and 3 friends sent our boxes together last dec. to the Philippines and our family haven't received them yet. I tried to contact them but none of their phone numbers can be reached...Does anyone know anything about them?
    Hello jta, I notice you've been a member here for many years.

    I did a very quick check for you. The company is actually called Philand-Ynterlink Ltd
    It is registered at Companies House under the registration number 07758106
    The registered address is :-
    UNIT G3,
    HU8 8HL

    The known Director is Mr Peter Alan Newlove
    His wife is Yvonne Newlove.
    The contact Tel: 07534251450
    As far as is known the company is still active.

    I understand yours is not the only complaint.
    I suggest you send a letter to the company and also a copy to the director by name with your complaint. Send by a means that requires a signature.

  3. #3
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe, I managed to look at their website, they moved to Bradford. I tried to phone but still nobody answered so we might go there to see for ourselves. Has any1 here used this company?

  4. #4
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    I am on the same situation right now. Infact a couple of us here had same problem. Our cargo boxes were picked up december and until now still not arrived. Tried to contact them and even messages were sent via text and we were just hoping that one day we will get some good news from

  5. #5
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    hello, can i just ask whether ur boxes are with your family by now? it's just they have collected my boxes last 28 Feb, until now my relatives have not receive it yet and when i phone them-they're not answering their phones even their contact in the Philippines... please let me know if there is any development about this matter... thank you

  6. #6
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    Better to send a communication to the registered address of the company.
    Also to contact to Companies House.

    You might also consider a letter to HMRC, just to stir the pot a little. Be sure to include the company name, company registration number and the director's name.

  7. #7
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    We are all on the same boat... I have been trying to contact them for ages now. I have sent my boxes last December 2011 as well. I thought I am alone, and now that I've found out that loads of people are complaining, I am starting to get more worried. I have tried to contact their new numbers as well as the Philippine Logistics here in Manila which is stated on Philand-Ynterlinks' website but still there is no response. What could be the best thing to do??? I have even sent two batches of balikbayan boxes, one last December and another is last January 2012. I am going mental. Please help.

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  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jta View Post
    I have sent balikbayan boxes through them in the past they seemed ok...but lately I and 3 friends sent our boxes together last dec. to the Philippines and our family haven't received them yet. I tried to contact them but none of their phone numbers can be reached...Does anyone know anything about them?
    report them at your nearest Trading Standards Office
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    report them at your nearest Trading Standards Office

    Good advice - might be best to contact Hull and Bradford Trading Standards as they are on the spot and I suspect local TS might just pass it on. I'd also contact West Yorks Police as there is a smell of theft and fraud here

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Our last 4 boxes have taken over 3 months to arrive but arrive they did..Different companies to the one mentioned here though..May be issues with RP customs etc.

  12. #12
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    But the big question is why are they not answering phone calls and not entertaining anybody. It seems to me that they are hiding somewhere and not bother explaining to the customers about what is happening. That is absolutely unfair on our part who spent a great deal of money to buy several stuff from the U.K. especially for our loved ones. I am considering filing a complaint and seek for solicitor's help both in the UK and in the Philippines. Let's see what they'll have to do.

  13. #13
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    OMG it’s a bit of comfort that it’s not just me, but it makes me more fearful as well. I have been contacting all of their numbers, sending messages through their website, including that certain Joseph Galo in Manila but nobody has answered. HUH, I’m really upset because if it hadn’t been for me, my 3 friends would not have used that company. I felt guilty for convincing them.

    I felt relieved last week though because one of my friends contacted that lebara number Yvonne is using , saying that she wanted an empty box; she got a reply after 2 days asking her to text back her complete address…though no empty box has been delivered yet. If anyone has good news about their box being delivered, "Fingers crossed" please give us an update.Thanks…

  14. #14
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    any news about the boxes yet people? :(

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladymav View Post
    any news about the boxes yet people? :(
    Has anyone done anything about it by contacting Trading Standards and the Police about these Rogue Traders ?

  16. #16
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    I have and this is their reply:

    "Thank you for your enquiry to Consumer Direct dated 19/03/12. Your reference number for this case is SE 4802466 and should be quoted in all further correspondence regarding this case.

    Under the law of contract, you have agreed to the terms and conditions, either in writing or verbally which forms part of a legally binding contract. Please check through and read the terms of the agreement carefully.

    If the trader breaks the terms of the contract by failing to deliver the cargo boxes to the agreed destination and within the agreed timescale, it could be argued that a breach of contract has occurred.

    When this happens, you could ask the trader to perform the contract as originally agreed or request that they compensate you for damages, depending on what a Court would feel is reasonable.

    At this stage, we would recommend that you detail your complaint in writing, detailing your rights and the law that applies. You can set a reasonable deadline for a response.

    You should send the letter by recorded delivery, so you can track the letter through the Royal Mail to ensure it has been delivered, keeping a copy for your own records.

    I have passed this information to Trading Standards to make them aware of the trader. I thank you for your time in bringing this matter to our attention.

    If you do not receive a satisfactory response and you require any further advice or information about this case, please do not hesitate to contact Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06 quoting the case reference number."

  17. #17
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    Hi nice to hear that someone has done something.

    I used Philand Ynterlink as I had a bad experience with my old one. I've sent a box last Dec with the promise that it will arrive Feb 14 (supposedly only 6 weeks but as it was the xmas holidays, there were 2 weeks added). Well Feb has come and gone and it still has not arrived. It was collected by Kirby Carino mob: 07889502128 (no answer)'

    I understand that the company used to be based in Hull but that they've now moved to Bradford. From the form that Kirby left: Unit 10 Great Russell Court Fieldhead Business Centre Bradford BD7 1JZ. mob: 07534251450/07553106240 (again, no answer)' Tried emailing them, no reply.

    As I've got my box fr the Filipino shop in Leeds, I've rung them to check if the company has been in touch as my balikbayan box has not been delivered and if she's heard any news. The reply I got fr Grace is apparently the prob has something to do with their Filipino forwarders and that Peter made a 'not so good comment' regarding trusting Filipinos and that they went to the Philippines to sort this out hence the reason why there are no answer to all phone calls. Apparently a relative of someone who sent a box went to see their forwarder in the Phil but the forwarder said they are no longer involved with the company. This has been more than a month ago and until now I've still not heard anything. Also whilst I was speaking to Grace I gathered that there are a number of us who've sent boxes that have not been received. These are all information I got while talking to Grace which could all be rumours but then again....why are they not answering / replying to anything?

    I think what I'll do is add a complaint using your reference number. The problem I have is that my copy of the triplicate I've signed got lost during my manic Christmas cleaning and I've got no proof at all that I've sent a box home except for new forms that Kirby left when he collected the box. Suppose the company would have a copy but then who knows. Let us know if there's any news.

  18. #18
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that you have problems also Laura. Adding to the complaint will strengthen any action that Trading Standards take. Have you thought about writing to Watchdog on the BBC or to a paper, sometimes these can help. Good luck, I hope you get your box or compensated.
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  19. #19
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    Thanks Steve.

    Just for info their website has an 'announcement' and if you check the blog section there are more complaints from people who've sent boxes.

  20. #20
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    thank you lauracel for the info., Just read their announcement and hopefully our boxes will be delivered soon!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lauracel View Post
    As I've got my box fr the Filipino shop in Leeds, I've rung them to check if the company has been in touch as my balikbayan box has not been delivered and if she's heard any news. The reply I got fr Grace is apparently the prob has something to do with their Filipino forwarders and that Peter made a 'not so good comment' regarding trusting Filipinos and that they went to the Philippines to sort this out hence the reason why there are no answer to all phone calls. Apparently a relative of someone who sent a box went to see their forwarder in the Phil but the forwarder said they are no longer involved with the company. This has been more than a month ago and until now I've still not heard anything. Also whilst I was speaking to Grace I gathered that there are a number of us who've sent boxes that have not been received.
    This sounds very dodgy - what kind of people just abandon their "business" and hot foot it to the Philippines without having the courtesy to let their customers know what is going on ?

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    Balikbayan Box:

    [CENTER]Just to verify the comment here with regards to Kirby Carino. Yes he did work for this company on an as and when required basis when the company required additional driver/collector. Kirby sent emails to customers explaining what he had discussed with Peter Newlove and shared this information to customers in order to help and give customers the feedback he had received from Peter Newlove (Managing Director of Philand Ynterlink) - hence Mr Peter Newlove does not return calls and customers left hanging. Kirby did his best to help by providing necessary information however Kirby is no longer allowed to distribute information about the operation of this company due to data protection act. Kirby has been issued a formal warning letter by Philand Ynterlink's solicitor and could be sued should he continues to provide information with regards to the operation of this company. Kirby has done nothing wrong and only did his job as a collector and is not part of the management in any ways whatsoever. Although this is no longer part of Kirby's job but he still tried to help customers. the email Kirby sent was very useful and informative and he only told us what he was told but the company made sure that Kirby can no longer help customers by issuing a warning of prosecution. We here in Manchester believe this is unfair as we know Kirby as a helpful, sincere and honest individual and always willing to go that extra mile to help . . . . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by lauracel View Post
    Hi nice to hear that someone has done something.

    I used Philand Ynterlink as I had a bad experience with my old one. I've sent a box last Dec with the promise that it will arrive Feb 14 (supposedly only 6 weeks but as it was the xmas holidays, there were 2 weeks added). Well Feb has come and gone and it still has not arrived. It was collected by Kirby Carino mob: 07889502128 (no answer)'

    I understand that the company used to be based in Hull but that they've now moved to Bradford. From the form that Kirby left: Unit 10 Great Russell Court Fieldhead Business Centre Bradford BD7 1JZ. mob: 07534251450/07553106240 (again, no answer)' Tried emailing them, no reply.

    As I've got my box fr the Filipino shop in Leeds, I've rung them to check if the company has been in touch as my balikbayan box has not been delivered and if she's heard any news. The reply I got fr Grace is apparently the prob has something to do with their Filipino forwarders and that Peter made a 'not so good comment' regarding trusting Filipinos and that they went to the Philippines to sort this out hence the reason why there are no answer to all phone calls. Apparently a relative of someone who sent a box went to see their forwarder in the Phil but the forwarder said they are no longer involved with the company. This has been more than a month ago and until now I've still not heard anything. Also whilst I was speaking to Grace I gathered that there are a number of us who've sent boxes that have not been received. These are all information I got while talking to Grace which could all be rumours but then again....why are they not answering / replying to anything?

    I think what I'll do is add a complaint using your reference number. The problem I have is that my copy of the triplicate I've signed got lost during my manic Christmas cleaning and I've got no proof at all that I've sent a box home except for new forms that Kirby left when he collected the box. Suppose the company would have a copy but then who knows. Let us know if there's any news.

  23. #23
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    Peter and Yonne Newlove never went to the Philippines at all . . . . . they are just not answering calls and returning your messages!! I was told by other customers that they were still collecting boxes themselves since Kirby stopped working there as a collector in February.

  24. #24
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    hi ladymav

    i sent 4 boxes with them to the philippines in january but the same as you all not reached there.i call the landlord of the unit in bradford today but the same there not payed the rent and are no longer there.


  25. #25
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    For anyone interested here is the announcement

  26. #26
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    Firstly,hello to everyone from Scotland. My name is Andy,and I am the contact in Scotland for Philiand-Ynterlink. Let me first set the record straight for everyone concerned.

    Peter Newlove has not "done a runner" to the Philippines as some people have suggested,or ran away with anyone's money,or ran away from his responsibilities in any way. He has also not made any bad remarks about how business is done in the Philippines.

    The main problem is that one of your Kabayan has embezzled money from the company in the Philippines,which has caused the whole problem we are in at the minute. Peter and Yonne have had to spend a lot of their own money to set this matter right in the Philippines,like pay delivery company's again and other such things,to make sure people's boxes are safe. I have had emails from people here in Scotland telling me that their boxes have arrived,late but safe. We all are very sorry for the late delivery of your boxes,but if this thief had not abused the trust given to him then we would not be in this position.

    Also,some people have been complaining that they cannot get through to numbers here,I have even had one Filipina state that I have not answered any of her emails or calls,which is not true. As I said to her,what do you want,for everyone to stop everything they are doing to answer every call and waste valuable time explaining everything,or for us to do what we are trying to do and sort out this mess that was not caused by us?

    Just to let everyone know,your Kabayan who caused this is a person called Arnold Bernardo. We have proof as a company that we sent out more than enough money to clear the containers through customs,then pay for delivery of the boxes. What this man was doing was paying some of the money to clear the containers,and also only pay half of the money for the delivery,the rest to be paid after the boxes were delivered. As some of the delivery company's found out,when they delivered the boxes they could not find this man. He then went on to do this to other delivery company's. That is why,later on this year,there are new laws coming into force in the Philippines. EVERY company that wants to deliver boxes in the Philippines MUST be a Certified Company,otherwise they will not be allowed to deliver boxes.

    We are having to spend money to be a Certified Company. Not only that,but I just do not collect boxes for Peter I also send boxes to my wife's family in Negros Occidental. We have sent a box and also a 42" television that have not arrived yet,so I know EXACTLY how some of you feel at not having your boxes arrived yet. Believe me,if we could get a hold of Arnold Bernardo we would not need the PNP,he would need an ambulance and immediate surgery! So,judge the company on what they are trying to do at the moment in sorting out this mess,no-one is running away from anything so do not let people get you worried. If anyone wants to speak face to face then my skype id is andyn132003
    Last edited by KeithD; 30th March 2012 at 08:55.

  27. #27
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    but the company should still communicate and put customers' mind at ease . . . . Kirby seemed to be the only one doing this and he does not even own nor operate this company. Kirby had explained so many times about the situation of the company but Peter Newlove and Yonne Newlove should be doing this not Kirby . . . . . .

    we understand that Peter Newlove is doing his best to resolve this matter but 2 months without a return call is far too much for some customers . . . . . customers are entitled to know from them

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    andy nisbet

    ive been onto the landlord today at unit 10 bradford but they have not payed any rent also they are nolonger there so where are they you seem to know everything,i think you need to start telling the say they are still picking boxes up from customers is just toget the money? so they can rip more people off.i would like an answer and dont tell me they are still at the unit here is the phone for you to call yourself ryden 01132436777.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    For anyone interested here is the announcement
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  30. #30
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    I have sent 2 boxes to philand-ynterlink last November 2011 and 1 box last month but just like ur situation it hasn't been delivered yet.Kirby who collected my boxes sent an email informing every customers about their meeting with Peter newlove stating the problems they were encountering. Hence,he stated that Peter newlove s trying to sort the problem and be sorted out in 6-8wks time .unfortunately,Kirby (collector )sent an email again stating that he will be sued by Peter if he will keeps on answering queries from customers..that's so unfair for us.without letting us knw what's going on..

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