Hi nice to hear that someone has done something.
I used Philand Ynterlink as I had a bad experience with my old one. I've sent a box last Dec with the promise that it will arrive Feb 14 (supposedly only 6 weeks but as it was the xmas holidays, there were 2 weeks added). Well Feb has come and gone and it still has not arrived. It was collected by Kirby Carino mob: 07889502128 (no answer)'
I understand that the company used to be based in Hull but that they've now moved to Bradford. From the form that Kirby left: Unit 10 Great Russell Court Fieldhead Business Centre Bradford BD7 1JZ. mob: 07534251450/07553106240 (again, no answer)' Tried emailing them, no reply.
As I've got my box fr the Filipino shop in Leeds, I've rung them to check if the company has been in touch as my balikbayan box has not been delivered and if she's heard any news. The reply I got fr Grace is apparently the prob has something to do with their Filipino forwarders and that Peter made a 'not so good comment' regarding trusting Filipinos and that they went to the Philippines to sort this out hence the reason why there are no answer to all phone calls. Apparently a relative of someone who sent a box went to see their forwarder in the Phil but the forwarder said they are no longer involved with the company. This has been more than a month ago and until now I've still not heard anything. Also whilst I was speaking to Grace I gathered that there are a number of us who've sent boxes that have not been received. These are all information I got while talking to Grace which could all be rumours but then again....why are they not answering / replying to anything?
I think what I'll do is add a complaint using your reference number. The problem I have is that my copy of the triplicate I've signed got lost during my manic Christmas cleaning and I've got no proof at all that I've sent a box home except for new forms that Kirby left when he collected the box. Suppose the company would have a copy but then who knows. Let us know if there's any news.