Quote Originally Posted by bakekang01 View Post
I have sent 2 boxes to philand-ynterlink last November 2011 and 1 box last month but just like ur situation it hasn't been delivered yet.Kirby who collected my boxes sent an email informing every customers about their meeting with Peter newlove stating the problems they were encountering. Hence,he stated that Peter newlove s trying to sort the problem and be sorted out in 6-8wks time .unfortunately,Kirby (collector )sent an email again stating that he will be sued by Peter if he will keeps on answering queries from customers..that's so unfair for us.without letting us knw what's going on..
O gosh, that's why Kirby is no longer replying to my texts. It's really unfair to us, we have the right to know, and now even their website has been closed, and there are no customers' blogs to read. I hope things will be sorted out.