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Thread: Have U Heard about Philand Ynterlink?

  1. #241
    Respected Member bod's Avatar
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    Right , we have some good news! We have recived a list of the names for the owners of the boxes in the Manila container.
    Lolita will make a event page on the Yorkshire Maharlika Filipino Club face book page . You will have to request to be a member on the FB page.
    This event page will have details of the list of names of those who have a box or boxes in this container. Please if your name is not on this list ,do not contact her. She is very busy sorting the Bario Fiesta out and will not have time for any extra phone calls and emails. Lets see how this goes before we look into any more problems.
    Further details will be on the Face Book event page!
    So please contact through that, not phone calls.
    We have a contact going back to the Philippines who will be in charge of trying to sort out the Customs etc in the Philippines, he is a very respectable member of the Filipino comunity in the North of England and has good conections in Manila.
    Can we please stop all the bickering and bitching on this forum! Lets help each other, nobody is doing this for fame or fortune, believe me we all have more important things we could be doing,

  2. #242
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    Guys not sure if you already heard this....boxes collected on Dec 15 at northwest are now delivered! 2 friends in stockport already recieved their boxes yesterday and today!

  3. #243
    Respected Member bod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ngid View Post
    Guys not sure if you already heard this....boxes collected on Dec 15 at northwest are now delivered! 2 friends in stockport already recieved their boxes yesterday and today!
    From what we understand 3 containers were sent in Dec! Please check the list of names on the Face Book page, just to make sure.

  4. #244
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    balikbayan box

    Quote Originally Posted by bod View Post
    Right , we have some good news! We have recived a list of the names for the owners of the boxes in the Manila container.
    Lolita will make a event page on the Yorkshire Maharlika Filipino Club face book page . You will have to request to be a member on the FB page.
    This event page will have details of the list of names of those who have a box or boxes in this container. Please if your name is not on this list ,do not contact her. She is very busy sorting the Bario Fiesta out and will not have time for any extra phone calls and emails. Lets see how this goes before we look into any more problems.
    Further details will be on the Face Book event page!
    So please contact through that, not phone calls.
    We have a contact going back to the Philippines who will be in charge of trying to sort out the Customs etc in the Philippines, he is a very respectable member of the Filipino comunity in the North of England and has good conections in Manila.
    Can we please stop all the bickering and bitching on this forum! Lets help each other, nobody is doing this for fame or fortune, believe me we all have more important things we could be doing,
    Thank God my name is on the list!! thank you for the information I can relax a bit..My auntie who also works at the custom and has connection can also help to sort this out and she knew the Owner of the forwarder that philand used.(cogtong) I'm actually here in manila at the moment waiting for my boxes to delivered, so fingers crossed. if you need any more help to sort this out please contact

  5. #245
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    my box number is PY5066 and not on the list so where is it, can somebody tell me?

  6. #246
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    I haven't heard about this yet. that's why i m not aware of this............

  7. #247
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    Hello to all,

    Peter Newlove has at last suddenly decided to show up in the Yorkshire maharlika filipino club website in Facebook, explaining and asking for help to sort this matter where one container is being detained as there was no payment made by the newlove...... He knew that the owners of those boxes are contributing for the sake that we can have our boxes that's why he has appeared now coz all of us are paying and dealing with this matter not him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragon crescent View Post
    Hello to all,

    Peter Newlove has at last suddenly decided to show up in the Yorkshire maharlika filipino club website in Facebook, explaining and asking for help to sort this matter where one container is being detained as there was no payment made by the newlove...... He knew that the owners of those boxes are contributing for the sake that we can have our boxes that's why he has appeared now coz all of us are paying and dealing with this matter not him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Hes a #1 Maggot

  9. #249
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Hahahaha..I've read his posts in the Facebook page..what a muppet! I don't think anyone should ever believe that guy who doesn't know how to run his business
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  10. #250
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    Been meaning to take a look at that site.

  11. #251
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    hello... i have been having problems with them too- i have used their service 3X already and the 3rd time was last feb 2012- my box was collected on the 28th of Feb- i had been contacting them from 1st week of this month, but all the mobile numbers they have provided were just ringing and ringing- even their contact person in the Philippines doesnt answer this phone- i am really getting worried now- the stuff in the box are mostly for my 3 year old son- please let me know anyone of the present situation of this company and what are happening to our balikbayan boxes- w work hard in here- for my family-but i do hope these people that we trust dont abuse our trust in them...

  12. #252
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    hello, can i just ask whether ur boxes are with your family by now? it's just they have collected my boxes last 28 Feb, until now my relatives have not receive it yet and when i phone them-they're not answering their phones even their contact in the Philippines... please let me know if there is any development about this matter... thank you

  13. #253
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    Sent 2 balikbayan boxes to my family in the Philippines December 2011. Last May 8, my wife called me informing me that the package sent to them were already delivered but unfortunately she received only 1 box instead of the 2 boxes originally sent. She called Ms. Michelle (02-7411915) of the courier CICERA EXPRESS WORLDWIDE INC. informing her that box number #3510 were two but the latter only replied that what was given to them was the one they are to deliver.Then ,she gave the number of Mr. Joseph Galo 09173107012 and said if you have queries regarding your packages text this number and asked him regarding the matter. Therefore, my wife called the number but Mr. Galo didn't answer the phone then she texted him informing him that the boxes she was supposed to receive were two but she only got the box with mark 2 of 2. After many hours of wait, he then replied saying, "Good afternoon Ma'am. Thank you very much for that information. Your query has been noted and we regret for the inconvenience that this have caused. The other box is in the container that is still to be released from the BOC. Once released, it will then be scheduled for door-to-door delivery. I'll keep you posted. Thank you very much." I hope and pray that the problem we are encountering right now will be solved and that the boxes we have sent to our loved ones will be received even if it will take months for them to receive it. This served as a lesson to all of us.

  14. #254
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    hello again,

    to those kababayan who are in this forum if you will join the filipino maharlika club in facebook there are more updated information regarding the detained container,there will be answer to some question by ate lolita who is helping us to retrieve the boxes we've sent and there is a plan to set a meeting with the newlove couple to answer all our queries i think its time for them to face the music.......the newlove are even stating that their solicitors are keeping AN eye on every comment all of us are posting....they still has the guts to do this when instead it should be them need to be aware of their shortcomings and what they OWE to us.

  15. #255
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    This is getting a bit boring now you guys!!!
    Any other subjects you want to post about apart from the odd mislaid BB box??
    Next time Im at the Ukay Ukay.. I`ll see if I see any thing suspicious.

  16. #256
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    It is a great shame that trusting people are let down in such a way though.

    I've only ever sent 6 (large) Balikbayon boxes to the Phils, and quite frankly I'd have been devastated if they'd gone missing.

    Don't such forwarding companies have public liability insurance ?

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It is a great shame that trusting people are let down in such a way though.

    I've only ever sent 6 (large) Balikbayon boxes to the Phils, and quite frankly I'd have been devastated if they'd gone missing.

    Don't such forwarding companies have public liability insurance ?
    I doubt if insurance would come into this one - seems like a Rogue Trader operation where they've been collecting the boxes plus payment and then either not shipping them or not paying for clearance / local delivery out in the Phils

  18. #258
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    Let's hope they get locked up then.

    That is despicable. People have worked hard and put a lot of time and effort into packing these boxes, not to mention the expense.

    I have every sympathy with the victims.

  19. #259
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Don't such forwarding companies have public liability insurance ?
    Sound like a bunch of cowboys to me Graham so I`d bet they don't.
    Problem is a lot of the items in these boxes are declared by the sender as "House hold items"...
    If properly inspected by R.P customs I doubt much of the stuff would be classified as such..
    Ive had many boxes sent to me from the UK which I would expect to be confiscated due to stuff packed that may be items that should have been taxed separately If discovered.
    Its the luck of the draw...That said...Most boxes arrive in one piece and completely undisturbed if we use respected BB companies with the correct contacts in R.P customs..
    Win some,lose some.
    Thought everyone knew that.

  20. #260
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    Yes, you make a good point about the 'household goods' Fred.

    In my case I was actually sending over most of the contents of my house though, rather than a few thousand choccy bars, clothes etc.

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Yes, you make a good point about the 'household goods' Fred.

    In my case I was actually sending over most of the contents of my house though, rather than a few thousand choccy bars, clothes etc.
    My Mum sent me a petrol lawn mower 6 months ago.. In theory,thats a no no!
    I knew a bloke that tried to send his Harley Davidson over in BB Boxes.. Im sure it happens all the time!

  22. #262
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    My friend sent his Kawasaki 750 over from Hong Kong to his home in the several Balikbayan boxes.

  23. #263
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    Joke joke joke . . . . . . Philand ynterlink is a bloody joke!!!!!

  24. #264
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    so you just realised that your promise ''to pay the whole container'' in the Philippines on behalf of the customers was just a ''BIG JOKE'' . . . . . you should have done your homework first before making a promise!!! Philippines a different ball game mate!! if you are just a small time nobody you won't get anywhere over there buddy

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Molten View Post
    so you just realised that your promise ''to pay the whole container'' in the Philippines on behalf of the customers was just a ''BIG JOKE'' . . . . . you should have done your homework first before making a promise!!! Philippines a different ball game mate!! if you are just a small time nobody you won't get anywhere over there buddy
    Molten, who is your post aimed at ?

  26. #266
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    i'm sorry it's just so frustrating how Tony can promise people ''us'' something that he doesn't even know . . . . that he is going to release the container blah blah blah come on get real!!!!! weve heard enough promises from people . . . . but now he is in the philippines and weve heard nothing . . . . what a complete ...........

  27. #267
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    Peter Newlove has a habit of back stabbing people he has worked with just to divert the blame onto others . . . . . . what a prick!!! He blames it on somebody called Kirby whom we do not bloody know. Peter just sort your problems out because if you own the company and you managed your business then it's you who needs to sort it out. so tired of hearing stories from this guy and mentioning people we don't even know

  28. #268
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    Peter Newlove and Yonne Newlove . . . . . . . The only way is ''DOWN''

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Molten View Post
    Peter Newlove has a habit of back stabbing people he has worked with just to divert the blame onto others . . . . . . what a prick!!! He blames it on somebody called Kirby whom we do not bloody know. Peter just sort your problems out because if you own the company and you managed your business then it's you who needs to sort it out. so tired of hearing stories from this guy and mentioning people we don't even know
    That's strange because a couple of weeks ago in post #179 you said

    "I went to Kirby's house with the police and gave us everything he knows about Philand Ynterlink and even showed us where to find Peter Newlove"

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Molten View Post
    We have instructed our solicitor to start the legal proceedings against Philand Ynterlink. Kirby has been investigated by the police and his full cooperation has cleared many issues and we are now on track to pursue this case against Peter Newlove ''Registered Company Managing Director''. so for you guys do not waste your time listening to people who do not know what they are really talking about ''Hearsay'' just seek ''Legal Advice''
    And what action has your solicitor taken during the past 2 weeks?

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