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Thread: carer

  1. #1
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    ok not sure if this is in the right section .im disabled was living with g f in cebu for about a year can i bring her back to u.k as my carer if so how do i go about it ? we been together nearly 2 years shes 39 im 49 i,m now back in uk my sister looks after me here but shes very busy .any help on how to go about this thanks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    ok not sure if this is in the right section .im disabled was living with g f in cebu for about a year can i bring her back to u.k as my carer if so how do i go about it ? we been together nearly 2 years shes 39 im 49 i,m now back in uk my sister looks after me here but shes very busy .any help on how to go about this thanks
    Hello tiger,

    It's difficult to give meaningful and accurate information on very brief information.

    But in principle, and based on what you've said, your g/f would need to come to UK under a settlement visa (spouse ot fiancee), then she could be your carer.
    If you mean once she is here and able to work could she be employed as your paid carer then you would both need to discuss that possibility with your local Adult Social Care team. They would be the ones to make any assesments.

    Unfortunately she would not be eligible to come to UK solely on the basis of being employed as your carer (paid or unpaid) unless you could clearly show very special compelling and compassionate grounds. Even then I doubt you would succeed under that route.

    Sorry it's not what you want to hear right now. But based on what you've mentioned at this time that's the best answer I can give.

    Do you have have carers right now tiger?
    Have you recently had any assesments from your Adult Care team?

    There may be other ways to achieve what your looking for.

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hello tiger,

    It's difficult to give meaningful and accurate information on very brief information.

    But in principle, and based on what you've said, your g/f would need to come to UK under a settlement visa (spouse ot fiancee), then she could be your carer.
    If you mean once she is here and able to work could she be employed as your paid carer then you would both need to discuss that possibility with your local Adult Social Care team. They would be the ones to make any assesments.

    Unfortunately she would not be eligible to come to UK solely on the basis of being employed as your carer (paid or unpaid) unless you could clearly show very special compelling and compassionate grounds. Even then I doubt you would succeed under that route.

    Sorry it's not what you want to hear right now. But based on what you've mentioned at this time that's the best answer I can give.

    Do you have have carers right now tiger?
    Have you recently had any assesments from your Adult Care team?

    There may be other ways to achieve what your looking for.
    thanks for that no i don,t have carers right now coz im a stubburn mule lol my sister does a lot for me at the moment but she is busy with her own life and i don,t want to keep askin her for help thats why im desperate for g f to come and live with me .i,ve got double hip replacements and arthritus in my shoulders im not totally out the game yet .but cant walk very far and find standing very painfull my hips were replaced when i was 24 had 2 sets already .I don,t know who to talk to about this situation if she gets denied then i,ll head back to cebu but i,m taken a big risk because if anything happens medical wise i,ll be screwed because ive got existing medical condition its almost impossible to get affordable health cover .

  4. #4
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    Brian, again based on what you've said, I would say the only route open to you and your g/f is via a UK settlement visa (Spouse or Fiance(e) visa)

    Look in this main forum under the sub heading 'UK VISA/British Citizenship' and you will see a couple of threads How to apply Fiance(e) Visa and How to apply Spouse Visa. I'm sure you'll discover a lot of information to help.

    Have you considered the financial aspects of visa applications?
    You really need to demonstrate that you will be able to support yourselves financially without making any extra claims for public funds.
    Also that you have adequate accommodation

    Do you have any employment Brian? If not you may find a tricky road ahead unless you are independently wealthy.

    I can fully understand you concerns about going back to Philippines given the cost of healthcare / medical support etc.

    Why not do some research both here on the forum, and the internet generally and inform yourself as much as you can before taking any major life-impacting decisions.

    You'll never be short of ideas, suggestions and support here. This is a very active forum with experience and knowledge on just about anything.

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    ok not sure if this is in the right section .im disabled was living with g f in cebu for about a year can i bring her back to u.k as my carer if so how do i go about it ? we been together nearly 2 years shes 39 im 49 i,m now back in uk my sister looks after me here but shes very busy .any help on how to go about this thanks
    sorry , why a carer if shes your gf?? any plans to settle in the future??
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
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    Has the girlfriend been previously kids ?

  7. #7
    Member fluentlee's Avatar
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    Do you want her to go to he UK because you need a carer? Or do you plan to spend the rest of your life with her as her partner/husband?


  8. #8
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    Good question.

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    yes we want to get married once annulment is granted

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    yes we want to get married once annulment is granted
    OK Brian, this is why it's so difficult to give specific advice. This is the first time you've mentioned annulment and that she is already married.
    So look, spouse visa and fiancee visa are no-go. She's just not free to marry.

    There are only two options for you:-

    1. Secure annulment and then apply for spouse or fiancee visa as normal.
    2. Try for the unmarried partner visa. Amongst other things you would need to prove evidence of 2 years co-habitation akin to marriage.

    I know that you've been living together in Cebu for the past year.

    It's only correct to tell you that living with a married women in the Phils is technically adultery and that carries severe punishment in prison. So you will need to be very very careful - maybe.

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    OK Brian, this is why it's so difficult to give specific advice. This is the first time you've mentioned annulment and that she is already married.
    So look, spouse visa and fiancee visa are no-go. She's just not free to marry.

    There are only two options for you:-

    1. Secure annulment and then apply for spouse or fiancee visa as normal.
    2. Try for the unmarried partner visa. Amongst other things you would need to prove evidence of 2 years co-habitation akin to marriage.

    I know that you've been living together in Cebu for the past year.

    It's only correct to tell you that living with a married women in the Phils is technically adultery and that carries severe punishment in prison. So you will need to be very very careful - maybe.
    yes i know all the risks but thats my situation .many people have said why pick a woman whos still married ? my reply is if a phillipina can,t afford annullment is it right that she lives the rest of her life in misery getting abused etc because she is poor .she has been seperated 4 years she has a right to be happy again in her life just like everyone else .the thing is many young philippina girls who marry at a young age are un aware just how much control there husbands have over them .the system is heavyly biased towards the men who are allowed to get away with mistresses etc .it is widely accepted that a phillipino has another woman on the side but if the girl does it she gets thrown in jail .when i lived there i saw some real dodgy things going on .for example 2 girls accross the road from me had foreign boyfriends from the states both had kids to them and once the boyfriends returned to the states their phillipino boyfriends moved back in to the house all living off the money that the boyfriends were sending them .a bit off topic but all the same lol my g f ex is too poor to file a case against her so getting jailed seems very remote we are 400 miles from him as well.

  12. #12
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    Brian, no offence intended just trying to help out with the questions you posed.
    Looks like you already know the score all round then.

    By the way I agree with the comments, and of course she and you deserve to be happy.
    I'm sure you both have what it takes to turn that corner. Good luck.

  13. #13
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    its ok terpe i know certain things but not everything there is lots of stuff i did,nt know until i come on the forum .all i want to do is explore all avenues to bring her in .she knows i have medical issues and wants to marry me no matter what and i love her to bits .

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    its ok terpe i know certain things but not everything there is lots of stuff i did,nt know until i come on the forum .all i want to do is explore all avenues to bring her in .she knows i have medical issues and wants to marry me no matter what and i love her to bits .
    Brian whichever route you consider you still need to consider finances and accommodations. Do some research.

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