I have encountered many intelligent and professional people in Philippines who say that they preferred life under Ferdinand Marcos. The corruption was less widespread, mainly centered round Marcos and his cronies in those days and the country was certainly a lot safer(as long as you did not p**s off the president) KFR groups and violent criminals had a fear of the law and violence against women was dealt with harshly. Death penalty was still on the statute.
However,I have to say that i have met few people that can say anything good about Imelda. Many believe that she was the cause of her husband's downfall and were disgusted by her flagrant flaunting of wealth and opulence whilst many suffered.
My wife grew up in the dark days of martial law and detests vehemently everything about the Marcoses.
Freedom was restricted,there was nightly curfew and merely gathering in a group in a public place was an offence. Even young women were required to do military training.
But to some Life was good back then
History will judge the Marcoses but I feel the epitaph will not be kind