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Thread: Am I being treated Unfairly?

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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    But we didn't, as he posted something that was arrogant. I always respond with the same, best to keep things in the correct context it was meant, otherwise it gets confusing.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    You must have a very high expectation morally from Filipinas which is actually quite commendable. Unless you've only ever had a girlfriend from the Philippines, you'll find that gold diggers come in different nationalities, including British. I'm sorry that your experiences with Filipinas have so far been nothing but disappointing. But now that you're armed with experience, add a bit of open-mindedness and I'm sure you'll get to meet someone decent.


  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I just feel that everyone jumped on the bandwagon of abuse, if say...for example admin or yourself had said something positive after the original post, I bet you most posters after that would not have said anything negative.
    Can`t argue with that.
    Still..We all know how much the Welsh love their sheep!!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Still..We all know how much the Welsh love their sheep!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    Hello everybody,
    I know I'm a newbie here but I what I cannot understand is that why this thread of mine had been closed on the Introduce yourself forum. All I did was to explain the things that I've posted and if theres any problem with that, just pinpoint what my mistakes are then I can easily accept my mistakes.
    But rather here, the thread had been closed. Am I not being reasonable to say that this is unfair since I've not been given to explain my point of view. Just that I have been proven that I have a point in my post then suddenly, someone just suggested that the thread be closed. I have not used any bad words to anyone and anybody. Instead I am offering my advice. I am not forcing anybody to take advice. Rather it is I who has received many bad words - though some people says that I do deserve such words- but then again it is ok with me if I've been accused of such, just you guys just got to prove your point when saying something bad to someone, it is of my opinion people should be given a fair chance to explain their side......
    James Kirk, you are the kind of a person that doesn't have any tact and you have a brain of a chicken. You brag that you had a lot of filipina gf past and present and that allows you to recognize a gold digger filipina by just talking to her? and this is your forte;...[ As you have spent your miserable life studying on how to unveil an ill will person...]. Does anyone here asked for your help? Have you read first the post here and what is this forum about before writing and introducing yourself? Your writings tells us about you... And you whine because your limited mind can't comprehend why do the members here replied to you like the way they did? You are such an *****. Here let me tell you one thing, people like you who brag about their abilities (a gold digger spotter) and offers advice (without anyone asking for it) are those people who should be burned. (i.e. you are being advice to think first before posting anything here).

    ...and this is a mere example of idiocy and stupidity Part II.


  7. #7
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Welcome back (we miss you hehe)! I think you've said it all there. Hope this time he'll understand, that is, if he has the ability to do so.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  8. #8
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    Welcome back (we miss you hehe)! I think you've said it all there. Hope this time he'll understand, that is, if he has the ability to do so.

    <Missed you all>Hug!

  9. #9
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    James Kirk, you are such an *****.

    Does it mean EEJIT peanutz???

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  10. #10
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee View Post
    Does it mean EJEIT peanutz???
    Nice pic Scott!
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee View Post
    Does it mean EJEIT peanutz???

    I think that is how you call it in "english".

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    This is a democratic all get to vote on something.....and I do what I was going to do in the first place anyway

    ...that's Western democracy
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member hilda_danao's Avatar
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    I have to say something about what Jameskirk said. gold digging does exist amongst filipinas. but i only heard that so far on filipinas who married DOM americans & DOM Japanese. A friend of my friend married american & this girl divorced her husband after getting her green card. A 20-yr old girl I met at CFO seminar said she is a japan entertainer(japayuki) and she married a 70-yr old Jap so she can get a higher salary rate for being an entertainer. also, she has a secret filipino bf to satisfy her need in . I also had an officemate b4 who told all her bf in internet that she's separated but she's actually happily married & she's ditching money from them..long story about her....& more other true stories...
    I am telling this truthfully. it does happen but it's so rare now, now that there are more civilized and educated pinays. we have conscience and we believe in Karma. it only hurts if Jameskirk mention your name & told you that you are gold digger when you're not.

    Anyways I haven't heard that issue from UK so far. perhaps british men are worth loving
    In my case, my husband is poor so i didn't marry him for his money(poor here in uk is having no spare money. poor in Phil is having mantika at asin, or bagoong for your viand ). most filipinas prefer westerner coz majority of them(accdg to them. noh, accdg to most pinays) are faithful unlike most filipino married men who even brag about their mistresses to their mates. most westerners love our natural tan complexion unlike most filipino men who likes white skin ( that's why it's so difficult to find a lotion that is not whitening in Phil. i only learn to love my color when i met my husband.hehe...). most westerners like our petite small hips & butt. filipino men like chubby big fat wide a**. It's better to be loved for what you are, right? Apart from that, we just want a happy married life which some find in a westerner....

    (I hope no one will hate me for agreeing with jameskirk in some of his views. i am also happily married to my british man but i only say this based on fact)

  14. #14
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilda_danao View Post
    I have to say something about what Jameskirk said. gold digging does exist amongst filipinas. but i only heard that so far on filipinas who married DOM americans & DOM Japanese. A friend of my friend married american & this girl divorced her husband after getting her green card. A 20-yr old girl I met at CFO seminar said she is a japan entertainer(japayuki) and she married a 70-yr old Jap so she can get a higher salary rate for being an entertainer. also, she has a secret filipino bf to satisfy her need in . I also had an officemate b4 who told all her bf in internet that she's separated but she's actually happily married & she's ditching money from them..long story about her....& more other true stories...
    I am telling this truthfully. it does happen but it's so rare now, now that there are more civilized and educated pinays. we have conscience and we believe in Karma. it only hurts if Jameskirk mention your name & told you that you are gold digger when you're not.

    Anyways I haven't heard that issue from UK so far. perhaps british men are worth loving
    In my case, my husband is poor so i didn't marry him for his money(poor here in uk is having no spare money. poor in Phil is having mantika at asin, or bagoong for your viand ). most filipinas prefer westerner coz majority of them(accdg to them. noh, accdg to most pinays) are faithful unlike most filipino married men who even brag about their mistresses to their mates. most westerners love our natural tan complexion unlike most filipino men who likes white skin ( that's why it's so difficult to find a lotion that is not whitening in Phil. i only learn to love my color when i met my husband.hehe...). most westerners like our petite small hips & butt. filipino men like chubby big fat wide a**. It's better to be loved for what you are, right? Apart from that, we just want a happy married life which some find in a westerner....

    (I hope no one will hate me for agreeing with jameskirk in some of his views. i am also happily married to my british man but i only say this based on fact)
    ...I...I think it is not about the gold digger or ill will person is the main point...or I have misunderstood something?

  15. #15
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hilda_danao View Post
    I have to say something about what Jameskirk said. gold digging does exist amongst filipinas. but i only heard that so far on filipinas who married DOM americans & DOM Japanese. A friend of my friend married american & this girl divorced her husband after getting her green card. A 20-yr old girl I met at CFO seminar said she is a japan entertainer(japayuki) and she married a 70-yr old Jap so she can get a higher salary rate for being an entertainer. also, she has a secret filipino bf to satisfy her need in . I also had an officemate b4 who told all her bf in internet that she's separated but she's actually happily married & she's ditching money from them..long story about her....& more other true stories...
    I am telling this truthfully. it does happen but it's so rare now, now that there are more civilized and educated pinays. we have conscience and we believe in Karma. it only hurts if Jameskirk mention your name & told you that you are gold digger when you're not.

    Anyways I haven't heard that issue from UK so far. perhaps british men are worth loving
    In my case, my husband is poor so i didn't marry him for his money(poor here in uk is having no spare money. poor in Phil is having mantika at asin, or bagoong for your viand ). most filipinas prefer westerner coz majority of them(accdg to them. noh, accdg to most pinays) are faithful unlike most filipino married men who even brag about their mistresses to their mates. most westerners love our natural tan complexion unlike most filipino men who likes white skin ( that's why it's so difficult to find a lotion that is not whitening in Phil. i only learn to love my color when i met my husband.hehe...). most westerners like our petite small hips & butt. filipino men like chubby big fat wide a**. It's better to be loved for what you are, right? Apart from that, we just want a happy married life which some find in a westerner....

    (I hope no one will hate me for agreeing with jameskirk in some of his views. i am also happily married to my british man but i only say this based on fact)
    I 100% agree on that!
    Filipina a born survivor!

  16. #16
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    Hello everybody,

    But rather here, the thread had been closed. Am I not being reasonable to say that this is unfair since I've not been given to explain my point of view. Just that I have been proven that I have a point in my post then suddenly, someone just suggested that the thread be closed. I have not used any bad words to anyone and anybody. Instead I am offering my advice. I am not forcing anybody to take advice. ......
    everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but NEVER, NEVER give unsolicited advise!!

    The fool wont heed it, the wise dont need it.
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    sorry guys, but i thought i had to explain a few things..

    nothing wrong with offering advice and help, its one of the reasons why scouser keith created this forum ..

    i'm a user on a few forums, and they get idiots - as this forum does to, and no i'm not saying jameskirk is one of them, who get a buzz or something from posting messages for advice and help, in thier posts they ask for help, other users give advice, and then they make another post in a different section asking for advice again but with completey different information from thier previous post. its the idiots out there, who come across forums like this and have nothing to do in their dinner hour or work time, and make up stories. you dont get to see them all as the mods have deleted them. so mods look at a new users first post and decide wether this new user is just a or really wants to contribute and be a member of the forum. sometimes the mods get it wrong, for a number of reasons..

    for me in jameskirk first post its the tone of his post, its a fairly negative post for a new user, 'there are many filipina who will marry just to get out of poverty since philippines is a very poverty stricken country' - this happens in every country and culture, its nothing to do with being a filipina - look at Anna Nicole Smith , I'am sure everyone knows about povery in the philippines, this could have offended some filipina users on here, who have married brits and also their husbands, by suggesting that 'many' filipina only marry to get out of poverty .

    ' but there are those filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid' .. again really negative statement, there are many reasons why filipina's go back home, thier husband is a , they miss their family, culture shock or lonely, in the UK 1/3 of marriages end in divorce for what ever reason, so you could assume 1/3 of filipina's married to brits will end the same way, common sense says you dont marry some one who is only after your money, and who wants to marry someone with a bad attitude , who you cannot get along with ?.

    ' i do assume you cannot really spot someone especially if you're not familiar our culture and our way of living here. sometimes just by personally conversing with someone i can easily spot these types as to whether they are really worth the effort or not.'

    for most people on here, who are engaged or married to filipina's, he did assume wrong, as most are aware of and familiar with the way of living there, again scam marriages and gold diggers are in every culture not just in the philippines.

    maybe jameskirk your not fimiliar with our english culture, and the tone of your post upset some users on here, i wonder if i took advice from you, nearly 8 years ago, and would you have told me my wife of 5 years is 'whether they are really worth the effort or not', and i've been there, after chatting for a few months to the filipina online, who is now my wife, she told me she had to get a job quick, she needed about £1,000 to pay for her uni fees next month, as her sister who was working was supose to pay it , she had spent the money, a gold digger ?? so i said i would send her the money (scouser keith, i was well off in them days ), she told her mom, and i got a letter from her mom, saying thanks , but no thanks, she would not take my help, after weeks of me nearly begging her mom to take the money, she finally gave in, and said she would take it as a loan, and near 8 years later, and nearly 5 years married, what advice would you have given me then ? was she worth it taking the risk ???. many filipina have a lot of pride, and i know me offering her money, dented my wifes and her moms pride. filipina's are proud people, so dont put them down

    for me the tone and content of your post offended me a bit, but then maybe its a culture thing

    you are right thou, there are gold diggers out there, and new users need to be warned. but none on here ,, i hope

    anyway no one is dead


  18. #18
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sorry guys, but i thought i had to explain a few things..

    nothing wrong with offering advice and help, its one of the reasons why scouser keith created this forum ..

    i'm a user on a few forums, and they get idiots - as this forum does to, and no i'm not saying jameskirk is one of them, who get a buzz or something from posting messages for advice and help, in thier posts they ask for help, other users give advice, and then they make another post in a different section asking for advice again but with completey different information from thier previous post. its the idiots out there, who come across forums like this and have nothing to do in their dinner hour or work time, and make up stories. you dont get to see them all as the mods have deleted them. so mods look at a new users first post and decide wether this new user is just a or really wants to contribute and be a member of the forum. sometimes the mods get it wrong, for a number of reasons..

    for me in jameskirk first post its the tone of his post, its a fairly negative post for a new user, 'there are many filipina who will marry just to get out of poverty since philippines is a very poverty stricken country' - this happens in every country and culture, its nothing to do with being a filipina - look at Anna Nicole Smith , I'am sure everyone knows about povery in the philippines, this could have offended some filipina users on here, who have married brits and also their husbands, by suggesting that 'many' filipina only marry to get out of poverty .

    ' but there are those filipina who are really bad, e.g. gold diggers, those who will depart after arriving at your country, those who got ill will, those with bad attitude, these filipinas are the ones you guys should avoid' .. again really negative statement, there are many reasons why filipina's go back home, thier husband is a , they miss their family, culture shock or lonely, in the UK 1/3 of marriages end in divorce for what ever reason, so you could assume 1/3 of filipina's married to brits will end the same way, common sense says you dont marry some one who is only after your money, and who wants to marry someone with a bad attitude , who you cannot get along with ?.

    ' i do assume you cannot really spot someone especially if you're not familiar our culture and our way of living here. sometimes just by personally conversing with someone i can easily spot these types as to whether they are really worth the effort or not.'

    for most people on here, who are engaged or married to filipina's, he did assume wrong, as most are aware of and familiar with the way of living there, again scam marriages and gold diggers are in every culture not just in the philippines.

    maybe jameskirk your not fimiliar with our english culture, and the tone of your post upset some users on here, i wonder if i took advice from you, nearly 8 years ago, and would you have told me my wife of 5 years is 'whether they are really worth the effort or not', and i've been there, after chatting for a few months to the filipina online, who is now my wife, she told me she had to get a job quick, she needed about &#163;1,000 to pay for her uni fees next month, as her sister who was working was supose to pay it , she had spent the money, a gold digger ?? so i said i would send her the money (scouser keith, i was well off in them days ), she told her mom, and i got a letter from her mom, saying thanks , but no thanks, she would not take my help, after weeks of me nearly begging her mom to take the money, she finally gave in, and said she would take it as a loan, and near 8 years later, and nearly 5 years married, what advice would you have given me then ? was she worth it taking the risk ???. many filipina have a lot of pride, and i know me offering her money, dented my wifes and her moms pride. filipina's are proud people, so dont put them down

    for me the tone and content of your post offended me a bit, but then maybe its a culture thing

    you are right thou, there are gold diggers out there, and new users need to be warned. but none on here ,, i hope

    anyway no one is dead


    And that makes u a good Mod Joe

    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  19. #19
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    there are gold diggers out there, and new users need to be warned. but none on here ,, i hope

    anyway no one is dead


    Now that I am in the UK, i am planning to DIG some gold...will that make me a gold digger? I need the golds coz its sooo expensive here!!

    A friend parked near to where I work i offered him coffee so he stayed a few mins and his car get clamped and he have to pay £190 bec its a private road...i felt so sad and guilty bec that made a very expensive coffee to have...
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  20. #20
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    Hi to everyone,
    I have read everything that you posted, I do admit there is an error in the timing and the manner in which I’ve posted since this is supposed to be a site wherein the majority (I do assume) of British male who are successfully married or are engaged with a Filipina. When I accidentally browsed this site, I was overwhelmed because there are many happily married to Brits, that’s why I chose to register, be a member then post here. I also like to tell everybody that my intentions are good, I have no ill will on what I’ve posted, and I’ve just been misunderstood. I don’t think anybody here is stupid. I like to thank Mr. Walesrob from his intention in saving me from further embarrassment and ridicule. I feel that I got a point in what I’m saying but I respect his decision in closing the thread. Thanking and respecting doesn’t mean that I am agreeing. I am not offended or hurt in any way about the things said about me.
    I’d like to tell everybody here that I am an open minded person. I like to learn things. I am happy with the way my life and relationship is going. I also would like to learn more about British culture, especially if there’s anyone here who’s willing to share it with me. I would also want to know you guys better, if any of you plans to visit here in the Philippines, maybe you can call me, and then maybe we can have a drink or two…

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    Hi to everyone,
    I have read everything that you posted, I do admit there is an error in the timing and the manner in which I’ve posted since this is supposed to be a site wherein the majority (I do assume) of British male who are successfully married or are engaged with a Filipina. When I accidentally browsed this site, I was overwhelmed because there are many happily married to Brits, that’s why I chose to register, be a member then post here. I also like to tell everybody that my intentions are good, I have no ill will on what I’ve posted, and I’ve just been misunderstood. I don’t think anybody here is stupid. I like to thank Mr. Walesrob from his intention in saving me from further embarrassment and ridicule. I feel that I got a point in what I’m saying but I respect his decision in closing the thread. Thanking and respecting doesn’t mean that I am agreeing. I am not offended or hurt in any way about the things said about me.
    I’d like to tell everybody here that I am an open minded person. I like to learn things. I am happy with the way my life and relationship is going. I also would like to learn more about British culture, especially if there’s anyone here who’s willing to share it with me. I would also want to know you guys better, if any of you plans to visit here in the Philippines, maybe you can call me, and then maybe we can have a drink or two…

    , just take it easy ..

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    No clamping in Liverpool........the cars are usually nicked before the clamper arrives
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No clamping in Liverpool........the cars are usually nicked before the clamper arrives

    its terrible.

    london gets smaller and smaller.
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes and its the clampers who nick them !
    if they can't nick them, they clamp'em

    only place you'll find gold is where scouser keith is , up in the welsh hills, i can see him now bent over panning away

    , yes not a nice sight

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    At least I get to see the crack of dawn...........This is Dawn....

    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    At least I get to see the crack of dawn...........This is Dawn....
    does your wife know about dawn

  27. #27
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jameskirk View Post
    Hello everybody,
    I know I'm a newbie here but I what I cannot understand is that why this thread of mine had been closed on the Introduce yourself forum. All I did was to explain the things that I've posted and if theres any problem with that, just pinpoint what my mistakes are then I can easily accept my mistakes.
    But rather here, the thread had been closed. Am I not being reasonable to say that this is unfair since I've not been given to explain my point of view. Just that I have been proven that I have a point in my post then suddenly, someone just suggested that the thread be closed. I have not used any bad words to anyone and anybody. Instead I am offering my advice. I am not forcing anybody to take advice. Rather it is I who has received many bad words - though some people says that I do deserve such words- but then again it is ok with me if I've been accused of such, just you guys just got to prove your point when saying something bad to someone, it is of my opinion people should be given a fair chance to explain their side......

    You know what? you were not giving advise with your first post you gave bad comments about pinays... and that is rude specially you are in a such happy forum...

    And its so sad to think you're a pinoy... and not only pinays are gold digger there's a LOT more gold digger in other country,, And why people always see gold digger pinays? (TAGALOG) anong tawag mo sa kabaro mo na okey lang makisalo sa japayuki na nakikisisping rin sa hapon para magkapera,, why people tend to notice bad things pinay do? what about MEN?

    yeah there are pinays who get married with other nationality to get out of philipppines,to find for a better life, but is that wrong? is it a sin to wish the best for your self and your family? why dont you look at cases of pinays being maltreated by their foreign partner? and its also a fault of a peson been fooled. they didnt spent lil more time to know their woman very well,,it takes two to tanggo, no one will sell themselves if no one bother to buy them..

    Everybody is aware of gold digging issue,its everywhere, you dont have to come in this forum to tell us that thing as if you were insinuating something....

  28. #28
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I don't dig GOLDS, i only dig DIAMONDS
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  29. #29
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    Hi everyone,
    I have been carefully reading my threads on the opinion of everybody regarding my post. I want to thank everybody for taking time in in participating and reacting. It's been a very good learning experience. Upon browsing this and my first thread in the introduce yourself forum, I've read several Filipina who in their their opinion (correct me if I'm wrong cause I don't want to be misquoted) have preference on foreign partners over Filipino men since in their opinion Filipino men tend to be womanizing type and foreigners (especially Brits) tend to be loyal type. I would like to open a thread on this topic and am hoping, if anybody had the time, to come and join to explore this issue....

  30. #30
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I tell you what.You answer my question..Then I`ll have a stab at answering yours..How about that?
    I do have some other questions for you..But first things first eh?

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manggagamit para magkapera quotes

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