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Thread: "Fines" on Employers of Illegal Immigrants

  1. #1
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    Exclamation "Fines" on Employers of Illegal Immigrants

    Those who are appalled at the Govts inability to deal with illegal immigrants might be interested in the attached freedom of information reply I received from the UKBA. This shows the amount of money collected from employers of illegals - note these are not fines as they should be for a criminal offence but "civil penalties". These rogue employers use illegals to compete unfairly with law abiding business's and keep the unemployment figures high. This can ultimately result in putting the decent companies out of business.

    The UKBA are only too happy to brag about how many illegals they nab in this takeaway and that car wash and how the employer could be “ fined up to a maximum of £10000 per worker”. These sort of reports cover up what is really happening

    It makes sobering reading - in 2011 a paltry 1100 penalty tickets issued but only £6.94 million collected which equates to 694 fines at the max £10000, 57 illegals per month ! Hardly the Jumbo Jet loads they profess to be scooping up. Also note that the amount of penalty notices issued has halved between 2009 and 2011

    The scheme must cost more to administer than the monies it collects - they ought to outsource it to India for starters.


    If this angers you don't just roll over write to your MP

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    maybe instead of giving them a fine that they can pay they should close them down stick then in jail for a couple of month bet they wont take any ilegal workers on afterpluse when they run out of space they just let the illegals go its nuts dont ever see them let our home grown crimms off

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    maybe instead of giving them a fine that they can pay they should close them down stick then in jail for a couple of month bet they wont take any ilegal workers on after
    That would be the sensible & logical course of action to discourage others from hiring illegals, however as I said the punishment is a civil penalty so it is obviously not a criminal offence to employ illegal immigrants.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    That would be the sensible & logical course of action to discourage others from hiring illegals, however as I said the punishment is a civil penalty so it is obviously not a criminal offence to employ illegal immigrants.
    well the failed doc who opened a restaurant , he got 24 months, reduced to 18 months, probably because he didn't have the money to pay the fine

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well the failed doc who opened a restaurant , he got 24 months, reduced to 18 months, probably because he didn't have the money to pay the fine
    I guess that is because they hit him with the more serious charge of assisting unlawful immigration.

    From the UKBA website :-

    The civil penalty scheme sits alongside the criminal offence of knowingly employing an illegal migrant worker (section 21 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006). This offence will be used in more serious cases where rogue employers knowingly and deliberately use illegal migrant workers, often for personal financial gain. It will carry a maximum custodial sentence of two years, and/or an unlimited fine.

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