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Thread: Domestic Worker Visa

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) zw3ackz's Avatar
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    Question Domestic Worker Visa


    I just wanna ask those familiar in U.K. Domestic Worker Visa because I have a prospect Employer in U.K and our problem is how to start the processing the papers. Should he apply for my working visa there in U.K then send it to me...we really have no idea how to start the papers processing.

    Thanks guys...I really need some advice mostly from those experienced.


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    to be honest you've got little to no chance of getting a visa for a 'prospect employer' as your not already working for them

    changes are happening to the domestic worker visa..

    Overseas domestic workers

    Restricting all overseas domestic workers (ODW) to only work for the employer with whom they entered the UK, or whom they came to join.
    Removing the right for all migrants under the ODW category to apply for settlement.
    Strengthening the requirement for the employer of an ODW to provide evidence of an existing employer relationship, and introducing a requirement for agreed, written terms and conditions of employment to be produced, as part of the application for entry clearance.
    Permitting all ODWs who have applied for leave to enter or remain on or before 5 April 2012, to continue to be treated under Immigration Rules in place on that date.
    Restricting ODWs in private households to work for an employer who is a visitor to the UK. Permission to stay in the UK will be limited to a maximum of 6 months or the period of the employer's stay whichever is shorter. Removing the current provision for ODWs to be accompanied by dependants.
    Permitting ODWs in diplomatic households to apply to extend their stay for 12 months at a time up to a maximum of 5 years, or the length of the diplomat's posting, whichever is shorter.

    you'll find all the info here ..

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access) zw3ackz's Avatar
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    thanks joebloggs

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and beware of scammers, don't send anyone money

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