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Thread: Passport - Change of Surname

  1. #1
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    Passport - Change of Surname

    My Fiancee has told me that she wants to get her Filipino passport updated after we marry in the Phils (her current family name will become her middle name, taking my surname). I have some questions if we do this:
    1. Does the NSO marriage certificate have to reflect this too that she took my surname at marriage in order for her passport to be updated.
    2. Will they issue her with a new 5 year passport or will the expiry date stay the same?
    3, I read somewhere she will have to visit the CFO in Manila, does she needs wait for NSO marriage paper for that.
    4. We wants to get her passport amended before we make the application for the a spousal visa, so was wondering how long it takes to get a passport updated.

    Many thanks,

  2. #2
    Respected Member gladz's Avatar
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    Hi Robert.

    I applied for a new passport (with my married surname on it) right after i got the marriage certificate from NSO last october.They did not ask me for a CFO seminar when i applied at the DFA in manila.Expiry date for the new passport is 5 years from the date of issue.

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    There's no OBLIGATION to have the surname changed for visa purposes - IF the passport issued in the applicant's maiden name still has a reasonable period ... e.g., a year or more ... of validity left in it. It is a matter of choice really - so long as the name matches that on the passport at the time the visa is applied for - UNLESS the existing passport has fewer than 6 months to run before its expiration.

  4. #4
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    Thanks a lot Arthur & Gladz,

    She has just over a year to run, so we thought if we get a new 5 year one, then we could do the name change at the same time, kill two birds with one stone as they say.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert34 View Post
    Thanks a lot Arthur & Gladz,

    She has just over a year to run, so we thought if we get a new 5 year one, then we could do the name change at the same time, kill two birds with one stone as they say.
    That's fine, Robert. I'd based my answer on thinking back to when my wife & I married in December 2008. Myrna had just received HER first and only passport [to date] less than three months earlier. So, when the time came to *apply for her Spousal Visa, it seemed daft to incur additional expense - not to mention delay matters - by renewing the passport *there and then ... especially in view of the fact that it was/is valid until September 2013.

    Gladz is correct about your wife's new passport becoming effective from its date of issue.

  6. #6
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    It a lot cheaper to renew in Philippines and as theres only a year to run would make sense to get it done.
    The DFA will not consider any unexpired portion so it will a 5 year expiry from date of issue.
    UK will allow up to 9 months unexpired use to be added to a renewal.
    As many countries require a minimum of 6 months unexpired before entry it can make a difference
    I heard that Philippines is considering issuing 10 year passports but then again there is also a plan to give 30 days tourist visa on arrival.

  7. #7
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    I agree to Tanga. It will be worth changing her status and renewing her passport after you got married to save from chaos later. I got my passport amended last Nov 2011 with my new surname in 7 days, I opted the priority service for Php1,200. Nevertheless, as mod Arthur advised, you may leave the renewal and changing of status later if you are in the hurry of applying for spouse visa.

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