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Thread: Need your Kind Advice.

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) Jen_scott's Avatar
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    Need your Kind Advice.

    My husband and I got married in South africa, The original Marriage certificate its on our hand, Tomorrow we will fly back to Uk to visit our beloved family. In our previous trips we havn't got chance to fix this paper works. But this time we got load of time... Any suggestion how to register Our marriage.

    well appreciated
    thank You

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    am not sure but thought it would be 1st to reg with the embassy you dont say mutch are you from uk? with british passport? is your partner have visa to come to uk? others on here will give more advice

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hi there Jen_scott,

    Welcome here to the forum.

    I'm not sure exactly what you're wanting to do, so will cover what I can

    1. There is no process in UK to convert to UK marriage certificate. Your marriage certificate will always be exactly the one you have.

    2. There is no process in UK to register any marriage conducted abroad. There is however a process where you can deposit your marriage certifcate and other documents with the GRO (General Register Office). There's actually no requirement to do this at all, it's just like a storage of your docs where you can retrieve copies when you need.

    3. By the way any documents not in English will need to be translated.

    4. You can check the validity/legality of your marriage here. Chances are you'll have no issues at all.
    The only reason I mention that is that some marriages in some countries may not be recognised for UK.
    (Our Japanese wedding was not recognised)

    Hope this explains enough to help

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