It's not surprising he doesn't have the time to be an MP nowadays when he's trousering this sort of money:-

  • £48,166.00 for a speech to Visa International.
  • £36,639.66 for a speech to Credit Suisse in Miami, Florida.
  • £36,018.18 for a speech to Comtec Med in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • £35,873.94 for a speech to World 50, Inc in New York.
  • £36,174.63 for a speech to PIMCO in Newport Beach, California.
  • £36,174.63 for a speech to Economic Club of Michigan.
  • £36,146.29 for a speech to Skybridge Capital in Las Vegas.
  • £36,292.84 for a speech to Citi Latin America in New York.
  • £36,224.88 for a speech to Pershing LLC in Miami.


Talk about snout in the trough