Yes at the mo my son is 20 yrs of age. At the time of lodging his settlement visa he was 17. When he was called for the biotmetrics he just turned 18. My husband explained to me & let me understand more about the appeal procedure. First of all:
*we lodge the appeal here in the UK, it tell us on the refusal paper what office to appeal.
*once an appeal is lodged in the UK the embassy in the Phils will have to send all infos to the appeal courts. That papers are called 'bundle' we make sure that we clearly state all the grievances when we send the appeal form.
*the appeal judge is completely independent.
When it is time for the appeal hearing make sure that you have all your grievances & questions wrote down so that u do not miss to mentioned anything.
We are now appealing against the first appeal. Also my husband is seeking legal advise where we stand within the human rights judgement on this matters because they are keeping a family apart. My husband does know of a case recently where the human rights told the British govt that they cannot keep a husband away from his british wife.