I nee your advice and maybe some calm heads.
When we went back to manila 3 weeks ago my wife disappeared with my son, not telling me where they were etc. (basically parental abduction)
She is threatning me that i will never see him again and its causing me nothing but concern.
I love my son so much I just want to be with him and know he is safe.
My wife is an ex bar girl, and I believe she will go back working in the bar (its the only way she can make money at the moment) and it scares the hell outta me my son being brought up in that enviroment,
I want to try and take him back to singapore with me, (we have residency rights in singapore) but i dont know if i can legally do it without going through the courts.
I am supposed to be going back to manila on Saturday to see him. (I have been pleading with her to give me some time with him)
She is being irresposible like yesterday she left the boy ( not even 2 yet) with her niece who is 15 and is still not back at the tie of writing this at 9.40 am the next day and no one can contact her
Nowi have a way (but this may get me into trouble and i guess that why i am asking for some advice.
I was thinking that i could go to british embassy as say his passport has been lost / stolen and get an emergency replacement (obtain a police report but tell them the truth that i have my son and my wife wont give me his passport and i dont know where she is etc) so that its truthful.
Embassy would then issue me an emergency passport and i would leave manila immediately with my son and return to singapore. (I dont want to stop my wife seeing him, i just cant go through this all the time knowing he is not safe)
This will only work if i can see him for a few hours to get passport photo etc.
Is this a viable way? is there another way
Everythign is running through my mind right now, i really dont know what to do.
Help is needed
Thanks in advance