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Thread: Fiance visa application with my son, requirements? help please :)

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  1. #1
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    Fiance visa application with my son, requirements? help please :)

    Dear Everyone,

    Thank you for this so helpful forum,

    We are now in the process of putting together our fiance visa application, We have been browsing this site and finds it very helpful.

    I am annulled and I have a son on my previous marriage. My fiance and I are finding out how to apply for my sons visa on the same time as mine.

    Can anyone please give us some ideas, advises or sample docs, that will be of great help!

    To our knowledge we also need a letter from my son's school, church and pedia, is this right? if so please can anyone send us a link to a format of this letters?

    Will be waiting for your reply,

    Kind regards,

  2. #2
    Respected Member gladz's Avatar
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    Hi julie.Welcome to the forum.

    There are loads of thread here regarding fiance(e) visa.Try the advanced search,just type in fiance visa and you will see many topics about it,loads of it

    Have a happy reading.

  3. #3
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    hi gladz how are you?

  4. #4
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    hi gladz. how are you?

  5. #5
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    Hi Julie,

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie&Tom View Post
    ...My fiance and I are finding out how to apply for my sons visa on the same time as mine.

    Can anyone please give us some ideas, advises or sample docs, that will be of great help!.....
    It's a somewhat unusual route when a child is involved, but yes there is provision in the rules for children of fiancee's

    Firstly Julie here is the application form VAF4A. Print it out and make a review. here are the guidance notes VAF2-8B that accompany the application form

    You will need to submit two forms VAF4A, one for your fiancee visa and the other for the visa application of your child.
    If granted then both visa's will be issued for 6 months duration.
    When completing the application form for your child, it's best is to take the role of being the child and physically holding the pen when completing it, if you see what I mean.
    The only exception is that the child's mother should sign the form.

    Please also do read this thread - How To Apply For A Fiance(e) Visa.

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie&Tom View Post
    ....To our knowledge we also need a letter from my son's school, church and pedia, is this right? if so please can anyone send us a link to a format of this letters?

    Will be waiting for your reply...
    Here's what UKBA state:-

    Entry clearance with a view to settlement may be granted to a minor dependent child of a parent who has been admitted, or is seeking admission, as a fiancé(e) provided the following additional requirements are met:

    - the child is under the age of 18, is unmarried and is not leading an independent life nor formed an independent family unit

    - the child can and will be maintained and accommodated adequately without recourse to public funds with the parent admitted or being admitted as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner

    - there are serious and compelling family or other considerations which make the child's exclusion undesirable

    - that suitable arrangements for the child's care have been made

    - there is no other person outside the UK who could be reasonably expected to care for the child

    - the terms of any custody order relating to the child do not prevent the child being taken to another country with a view to settlement there.

    In assessing whether there are serious and compelling considerations it would normally be undesirable to exclude a child who had largely been cared for by the 'fiancé(e) '. .............

    Hope this helps you at this stage.

    Do you have specific reasons for taking this route as a preference over Spouse Visa?

  6. #6
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    Hi Terpe-

    thank you for this detailed response I have copied this and will send to my fiance.

    We decided to go with the fiance visa since we want to get married in the UK and invite all his family and friends.

    I am currently taking care of my annulment documents since it is approved and signed by the court, only filing with statistics office now.

    Is there anyway I can get sample letters from the school/pedia and church proving Im the sole guardian of my son, I went to them today but they all said I should write it and they will print it off in their letterhead. Is there any format for this or should I just make my own?

    thank you, you guys are very helpful.


  7. #7
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie&Tom View Post

    To our knowledge we also need a letter from my son's school, church and pedia, is this right?
    yes same documents to prove sole responsibility but I've also included fathers parental consent to bring my daughter here in the UK
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    yes same documents to prove sole responsibility but I've also included fathers parental consent to bring my daughter here in the UK
    Would you please help me out? since you've been on the same road, maybe you can e-mail me sample docs or list of requirements you did? if it is not too much of a hassle, really would appreciate that.

    am I allowed to write my email add here? unfortunately I cant still send PM to members,


  9. #9
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    one more thing do I need a signature from the father of my son? I dont know his whereabouts and all trough the annulment process did not hear anything from him, we lost contact since 2007, also, I wouldn't dare going to their house since Im afraid of my safety, will wait for anyone's response pls. thank you!

  10. #10
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    hi julie,
    where are you in philippines?

  11. #11
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    Im from region 2, are you putting together your fiance visa as well?

  12. #12
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    Hello everyone-

    please can anyone hel me with this

    Is there anyway I can get sample letters from the school/pedia and church proving Im the sole guardian of my son, I went to them today but they all said I should write it and they will print it off in their letterhead. Is there any format for this or should I just make my own?


    I went to a public atty today to ask for an affidavit for sole custody that should be signed from the local officials in our town since I saw one of the thread here that it is needed but they told me I should have a format.

    Please help, anyone who has experience this? I will wait for a response.

    thank you!


  13. #13
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    I just received mine and my son's passport today. I guess mine is easier because the biological father was never included in any of my son's papers such as birth and baptismal certificates.

    When I was preparing our application, I really focused on being able to show that my son is an integral part of our relationship. I showed screenshot of chats we had that included or discussed my son or his activities, loads of pictures of my son and husband together rather than just me and my husband, and my husband's supporting letter included his "history" and relationship with my son.

    I did not have letters from our paish, school, and pedia but I did include an affidavit of custody and support and solo parent certificate. If your husband is sending you financial support, you might want to highlight that this includes your son's school expenses, nanny, etc.

    In my letter to the embassy, aside from our love history, I included an explanation as to why I have sole custody and responsibility of my son. This is the reason why I included my own work history, certificate of employment, and bank statements - I wanted to show that I have the means of supporting my son even before I met my husband. Just in case they question how I was able to support my son on my own.

    I hope I was able to help. Yours might need more legal docs. Since you're annulled, you might be able to get a solo parent certificate from DSWD.

    Thanks to everyone for all the usefull information that I was able to use in our application!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    'sole responsibility' from the British embassies point of view might not have the same meaning as the Philippines Government definition.

    if you have not lived apart from your child and there is no or little contact with the bio father, you shouldn't really have a problem with 'sole responsibility' but supplying any docs you have can only help your app.

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