In respect to Nick30`s original post asking for those interested in signing this petition please visit and sign it here..
Unfortunately the link in the original thread that pointed to this petition was lost in a sea of untopicness in the original thread... (I just made a new word!)
Those that do not wish to sign this petition and have issues and would like to discuss any opposition or opposing views further please start your own thread elsewhere under a different topic name as I and other moderators will not tolerate it here...Originally Posted by Nick30Here's another petition just like the last one so let's get behind this:
Here's the link:
Do not post in this thread as I /we know your views well enough by now and have no wish to have the above link lost in another flurry of disagreement needlessly etc.....
If you do,I will personally ban you from this forum.
As I said... Start your own thread but please try very hard not to insult our Filipino members or their partners.
If you cannot do that then try another Forum.