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Thread: British citizen by migration

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Conchita as you can read we are all a bit confused it may just the way you have written it. May i suggest if its easier you write in Tagalog and one of our Phill readers can translate for one not so clever brits like me.

    If your here on a finace visa then you need to wait untill your married and have changed your visa to get FLR then you can work. If your here on a spouse visa you can Work as soon as you find a job.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Conchita as you can read we are all a bit confused it may just the way you have written it. May i suggest if its easier you write in Tagalog and one of our Phill readers can translate for one not so clever brits like me.

    If your here on a finace visa then you need to wait untill your married and have changed your visa to get FLR then you can work. If your here on a spouse visa you can Work as soon as you find a job.
    I apologise then for the confusion..believe it or not..i am also somewhat confused..that's why i ended up seeking refuge in this site....

    Anyway, to quote the affidavit I signed, my application is that of a "residential status of a British Citizenship as a non-resident.." An immigration lawyer (which was hired by my husband to be) represented me in the course of the application. Until we got the confirmation letter citing that I am now a first class citizen of this country (UK) pending my probationary period which I understand is after two (2) years. It was written in the confirmation letter that I am now a British citizen by migration. I was issued a British passport and a national identification number prior to my arrival in UK. I am working overseas and by the end of this month, I'll be able to get my British passport at the British Embassy in Manila. tentatively, i'll be joining my honey come August.

    I have been searching for the same situation as mine in this forum...but i was not able to find one......that's why I was crying for help....

    Thanking you in advance...

  3. #3
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    Theres something very wrong here, and I think (and I hope you can prove me wrong) that you've been conned by this Immigration Lawyer. Why do I say that?

    "residential status of a British Citizenship as a non-resident.."
    Only applies if your a British Citizen living abroad as a tax exile.

    "a first class citizen of this country (UK)"
    Utter rubbish, Red Flag 1

    " pending my probationary period"
    Visas are issued for a fixed time limit, its not probation. Your not on trial here.

    "a national identification number"
    Red flag 2. Why? We don't have "national identification numbers" in the UK, only passport numbers or National Insurance numbers, unless its the visa reference number?

    Where was the application made? Singapore? Manila? (I would assume Manila if your "passport" is available for collection end of July). Where is the lawyer? Philippines? Singapore? Did you provide any proof of your relationship to this lawyer? If so what evidence did you provide? Did your lawyer quote a visa/passport application reference number so you can trace the application status online? Did the Embassy tell you to come to the Embassy to pick up the "Passport" or did your lawyer tell you? Have you had ANY communication with the Embassy, be it letter or phone calls?

    Like I said, I hope you can prove me wrong, but a lot of your story does not stack up. Maybe this lawyer has his legal jargon all mixed up, and he's using the wrong words, in which case, he shouldn't be an Immigration Lawyer, if he's not familiar with British Immigration rules and regulations.

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