they basically have refused saying that they believe the responsibility is shared .... because the bio father does still see Jelly on Saturdays and wants to remain in contact with Jelly when Jelly is in England (again that was our idea ..we told the father he can ring and even see Jelly on skype if he wishes when we move to England) ...
I allow the father to see Jelly between the hours of 10am - 7pm ...on Saturdays only (this was my idea because we both felt me and my husband that Jelly should always know who is father is) very often the father will not even turn up ...when he does he will often bring Jelly back early ..
Gosh there is so much I could say ..not long ago Jelly was very ill in hospital ..I sent a txt to the father can not see Jelly this Sat because he is in hospital ..he never even asked me what was wrong ...
Seems like we are being punished for trying to do the right thing ? ...
Of course we have to appeal ...we have decided to use a Solicitor but my husband felt it would be quicker to use a Solicitor that is based in the Philippines. My husband prefers to use a solicitor that comes fully recommended ..
The other point was ..we have heard we can try sending a letter first rather than take the appeal route ? this right ?
~thank you all so much for your kind words xx