oh my all i do is cry at the moment,im waiting for my hubby from work i will stay up awake until he comes back..he said he will make a better explanation becos i really cant at the moment i am just too emotional..D---mn it..that is too much becos
1.) the biological father already gave a consent so i really do not understand why??
2.)the fact that on religious circumstances,,my son also changed religion like mine (i also gave the immigration my son's religion certificate)..and his father did not do anything about it!! i have the sole responsibilty dont i?
3.) i pass all my son's book homework pages with my signature for everyday
my hubby and i both wanted to do anything we have to do as in ryt now!
juvyjones,and imagine.. thank u for your comments,im sorry my brain is not working well to explain much ryt now..
my son grew up with us that bio father did not gave anythin as in NOthing.. what makes me cry is that my son thinks we got all oour passports and he is so excited... very excited and i dont want to tear his heart...he is a 5 year old..