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Thread: Saucy & Colorful Pasta w/ Heavy Cream Sauce

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    Member pinkpetals's Avatar
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    Saucy & Colorful Pasta w/ Heavy Cream Sauce

    Last, Jan. 31, 2012 we had our cooking laboratory in Nutrition and we cooked pasta..when I was searching on the net for a particular recipe, I couldn't find something which has a white sauce and something colorful..what i did was picked every ingredients that i feel like would be good for pasta and that would be available..and luckily I was able to find a heavy cream sauce recipe that suits well on the idea that I had on my here it is..i gave it a name as Saucy & Colorful Pasta w/ Heavy Cream Sauce..

    Makes 20 Servings
    Estimated preparation time: 45 minutes Estimated cooking time: 55 minutes

    875 g. Pasta Noodles (spirals & fusilli)
    4 Tbsp. Olive oil
    ½ Tbsp. Salt
    4 Tbsp. Unsalted Butter
    1 ½ c. garlic, minced
    1 ½ c. onion, minced
    1 c. Green bell pepper, strips
    1 c. Red bell pepper, strips
    1 c. carrots
    1 kg. Pork, ground
    1 c. Mushroom, strips
    1 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
    1 Tbsp. ginger, minced
    ½ t. Black Pepper to Taste
    ¼ c. Oatmeal/bread crumbs
    ¾ c. Parsley, chopped
    3 c. Heavy Cream
    3 c. Grated Parmesan cheese
    1 t. Soy Sauce

    Heavy Cream Ingredients:
    1 t. Flour (6 t.)
    1 tablespoon of unsalted butter (6 Tbsp.)
    ¾ c. Full Fat Milk (4 c.)

    1. Before beginning, keep your pasta on the boil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and salt added to it; let this cook while you tend to the sauce mix.

    2. Take a nice deep bottomed pan and let it heat up gradually on medium fire; pour in about three tablespoons of olive oil and let the heat buildup. Then drop in your butter and allow it to melt on medium fire.

    3. Add the minced garlic and add this to the pan, sautéing (for 10 seconds) it briefly before dumping in your onions and ginger, green/red bell peppers, carrots before it browns.

    4. Wait for the onions to slightly brown, continuously tossing this about and not letting it stand in the oil.

    5. Then drop in your ground pork and mushroom.

    6. Add lemon juice and black pepper to taste. Simmer until pork is cooked.

    7. In a separate pot, melt the butter over low heat.

    8. Add the cooked pasta to the pot w/ the melted butter.

    9. Add the Heavy cream and the grated parmesan cheese.

    10. Add the cooked pork mixture in the pot then toss everything together over low heat until the pasta is coated w/ the cream, butter and the cheese.

    11. Add the bread crumbs, parsley and some freshly ground pepper.

    Procedure for Heavy Cream:
    Mix the butter, milk and flour (thickening agent) making sure all of it merges well. The butter has to be melted or softened down so that it blends easily with the other two components. This homemade heavy cream sauce is meant for cooking purposes and shouldn't be beaten like you in the case of making whipped cream.

    I was a bit scared of the idea that it may not be as palatable as I wanted it to I was really thankful that it turned out to be just perfect..
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